Nothin' but Sunshine - PSTA's ZEB Leadership in Florida


14-05-2024 • 41 mins

Here are the show notes from the provided transcript:


**Host: Jared Schnader (00:03.086)**
- **Introduction**:
- Jared Schnader, host of "Transition to Zero," welcomes everyone to the episode.
- He leads the bus team at Calstart, a national nonprofit consulting organization.
- Jared expresses gratitude to Brad Miller, CEO of Pinellas Suncoast Transit in St. Petersburg, Florida, for joining the show.
- This marks the second consecutive PSTA representative on the podcast.

**Guest: Brad Miller (00:20.011)**
- **Response to Introduction**:
- Brad humorously acknowledges Jared's remarks about having consecutive guests from PSTA on the podcast.
- He expresses enthusiasm for being on the show and emphasizes the commitment to progress within PSTA.

**Host: Jared Schnader (00:39.726)**
- **Request for Overview of PSTA**:
- Jared asks Brad to provide an overview of Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority, including its location, fleet size, and operations.

**Guest: Brad Miller (00:48.555)**
- **Overview of PSTA**:
- Brad introduces himself as the CEO of PSTA.
- Describes PSTA as a midsize transit agency on the west coast of Florida, operating approximately 250 buses and employing around 800 transit workers.
- Mentions the seasonal ridership surge during spring break and highlights PSTA's unique "wet bathing suit policy" due to trolley services.
- Highlights the success of the Sunrunner, PSTA's first bus rapid transit line, which has contributed to economic development.
- Expresses excitement about PSTA's growing fleet of zero-emission buses.

**Host: Jared Schnader (02:22.286)**
- **Transition to Zero Emission Buses**:
- Jared transitions the discussion to zero-emission buses and acknowledges the absence of mandates in Florida compared to states like California.

**Guest: Brad Miller (02:54.603)**
- **Approach to Zero Emission Transition**:
- Brad discusses PSTA's decision to transition to zero-emission buses despite the absence of mandates.
- Mentions advocacy from environmental groups and concerns about climate change and sea-level rise.
- Highlights PSTA's transition from diesel to hybrid electric buses and eventually to zero-emission buses since 2017.

**Host: Jared Schnader (04:43.723)**
- **Discussion on Cost and Funding**:
- Jared discusses the significant costs associated with transitioning to zero-emission buses.
- Inquires about the role of government funding in PSTA's transition.

**Guest: Brad Miller (07:02.734)**
- **Role of Government Funding**:
- Brad emphasizes the importance of federal, state, and local partnerships in funding PSTA's transition.
- Highlights competitive grants and support from the state of Florida, including VW Settlement Funds.

**Host: Jared Schnader (09:39.243)**
- **Impact of PSTA's Transition**:
- Jared discusses PSTA's role as a leader in zero-emission bus adoption and its influence on other agencies.
- Inquires about the impact on public perception and adoption of zero-emission technologies.

**Guest: Brad Miller (11:59.243)**
- **Community Impact**:
- Brad discusses the positive impact of PSTA's zero-emission buses on the community, including environmental benefits and influencing other public sector entities to adopt similar technologies.

**Host: Jared Schnader (12:51.947)**
- **Discussion on Utility Partnership**:
- Jared inquires about PSTA's experience working with Duke Energy to establish charging infrastructure for electric buses.

**Guest: Brad Miller (14:26.894)**
- **Utility Partnership and Infrastructure**:
- Brad discusses the positive relationship with Duke Energy and efforts to establish charging infrastructure, including considerations for resilience during hurricanes.

**Host: Jared Schnader (16:36.459)**
- **Assessment of Zero-Emission Bus Deployment**:
- Jared inquires about PSTA's experience with battery electric buses and technological advancements in the field.

**Guest: Brad Miller (19:04.427)**
- **Outcome of Zero-Emission Bus Deployment**:
- Brad discusses PSTA's positive experience with battery electric buses, including operational performance and technological advancements.

**Show Notes: Jared Schnader (19:16.814)**

**Topic: Advancements in Zero Emission Bus Technology and Community Reception**

**Key Points:**

1. **Maturity of Zero Emission Bus Technology:**
- Jared mentions a question he received regarding the maturity of zero emission bus technology. He highlights the commitment of major players like Gillig and New Flyer to transition a significant portion of their production lines to zero emission buses by 2025.
- He emphasizes that with companies like Ride (formerly BYD) and Proterra leading the charge, zero emission buses are becoming increasingly prevalent in the industry.

2. **Operational Savings and Technological Advancements:**
- Brad supports Jared's perspective, noting the operational savings achieved through zero emission buses, particularly in contrast to diesel fuel costs.
- He underscores the significant advancements in battery range, with newer buses boasting twice the range compared to earlier models, making them more cost-effective and practical for transit agencies.

3. **Continuous Improvement and Public Perception:**
- Jared acknowledges that while zero emission buses are mature technology, they continue to improve daily.
- Brad echoes this sentiment, referencing past skepticism about electric buses and the perpetual cycle of new technologies emerging, such as hydrogen buses, but emphasizes the success and efficiency of zero emission buses, particularly in Florida.

4. **Community Reception and Environmental Impact:**
- Brad discusses the positive shift in community perception, particularly among environmental groups, who now view public transit, especially zero emission buses, as part of the solution rather than the problem.
- He highlights the role of zero emission buses in reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability, contributing to a broader change in public perception about public transportation.

5. **Resilience and Emergency Response:**
- The conversation shifts to the resilience of zero emission buses during extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and flooding.
- Brad shares experiences of using electric buses for emergency evacuation and response activities, emphasizing the importance of resilient infrastructure to ensure continuous operation during crises.

6. **Future Challenges and Exportable Power:**
- Jared raises concerns about balancing resources and assets across the state during emergencies, especially as Florida transitions to 100% zero emission buses.
- Brad discusses past pilots involving exportable power from buses and acknowledges the potential advantages of such technology for emergency situations.

7. **CEO Engagement and System Understanding:**
- Jared commends Brad for his hands-on approach, frequently riding buses to engage with employees and patrons.
- Brad highlights the educational value of riding buses, gaining insights into system operations, and fostering a deeper appreciation for transit employees' work.

8. **System Optimization and Customer-Centric Approach:**
- Brad reflects on how his experiences riding buses have influenced system operations, citing examples of reevaluating bus routes based on observed usage patterns.
- He emphasizes the importance of understanding the transit network as a whole and adopting a customer-centric approach to service delivery.

These notes provide a summary of the conversation between Jared Schnader and Brad Miller, focusing on topics such as PSTA's transition to zero-emission buses, government funding, community impact, utility partnerships, and the outcome of deploying battery electric buses.