Zeroing in on ZEBs Report 2024


05-03-2024 • 40 mins

Based on the provided transcript, here are the show notes for the podcast episode:


**Podcast Title:** Transition to Zero

**Episode Title:** Zeroing in on ZEBs: Exploring the State of Zero Emission Buses

**Host(s):** Jared Schnader

**Date:** 2/29/2024



In this episode of Transition to Zero, host Jared Schnader welcomes Mike Hynes, the national program manager for Transit at CalSTART, to discuss the annual "Zeroing in on ZEBs" report. This report provides an index of the state of the zero emission bus (ZEB) industry in the US and Canada.


**Key Points:**

1. **Purpose of the Report (08:49.37)** - The "Zeroing in on ZEBs" report is an annual index that tracks the adoption and funding of zero emission buses in the US and Canada. It provides a snapshot of where deployments and awards are happening, highlighting leaders in the industry and areas for improvement.

2. **Methodology (13:37.923)** - CalSTART's approach involves gathering data from various sources, including awards, orders, and direct outreach to agencies. The challenge lies in cross-referencing data due to differences in tracking methods across regions.

3. **Comparison with European Market (21:39.731)** - Despite advancements in the US zero emission bus market, it lags behind the European market in terms of deployment numbers. Factors such as pilot projects and varying regulations contribute to the difference.

4. **California's Leadership (25:10.308)** - California leads the way in zero emission bus adoption due to legislative support, funding opportunities, and a clear vision for transitioning to zero emission fleets.

5. **Challenges of Small Deployments (28:33.635)** - Small pilot projects pose challenges in terms of resource allocation and scalability for both transit agencies and manufacturers.


**Interview/Conversation Highlights:**

- George and Mike discuss the significance of larger deployments and the importance of knowledge sharing among transit agencies.

- Mike highlights the impact of legislation, such as California's innovative clean transit rule, in driving zero emission bus adoption.


**Listener Questions/Comments:**

[No specific listener questions or comments were addressed in this episode.]



In conclusion, the "Zeroing in on ZEBs" report provides valuable insights into the state of zero emission bus adoption in North America. Despite challenges, progress is being made, particularly in states like California and New York, which serve as models for other regions.


**Additional Resources:**

- [Link to the "Zeroing in on ZEBs" report]



- Host: Jared Schnader

- Guest: Mike Hynes

- Podcast Produced by Jared Schnader



The views and opinions expressed in this podcast episode are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of CALSTART or any other organization mentioned.


By following this structure, the show notes provide a comprehensive overview of the episode's discussion on zero emission buses, highlighting key points, insights, and resources for listeners. Adjustments can be made based on the specific content and focus of the podcast.