Infrastructure: Getting from Today to Tomorrow


30-04-2024 • 26 mins

Here are the notes from the provided transcript:

Email Address for Jerry Miller:

- **Introduction by Jared Schnader**: Jared welcomes everyone to another episode of Transition to Xero. He leads the bus team at CalSTART, a National Nonprofit Technical Consulting Organization. He highlights infrastructure as a barrier to the adoption of zero-emission vehicles.

- **Introduction of Guest, Jerry Miller**: Jerry Miller, Director of Business Development for Electrification at US Energy, is introduced. He provides an overview of US Venture, the parent company of US Energy, which focuses on providing sustainable energy solutions.

- **Overview of VoltVault**: Jerry explains VoltVault, a patent-pending natural gas supplied, redeployable EV charger. It provides on-site, on-demand power generation, overcoming infrastructure challenges. It charges EVs at a fast rate without grid connection and is redeployable using a modified shipping container.

- **Power Systems of VoltVault**: Jerry details the two power systems of VoltVault: the primary power system utilizing renewable natural gas, and the hotel power system consisting of solar panels and batteries.

- **Refueling VoltVault**: Jerry explains the refueling process, which can involve connecting to a pipeline, changing onboard tanks, or connecting to a tube trailer for continuous use.

- **Cost of Power Generation**: Jared discusses the stability of costs per kilowatt-hour with VoltVault compared to fluctuating utility prices. Jerry provides pricing details, highlighting cost savings with VoltVault.

- **Environmental Impact**: Jerry discusses the environmental benefits of using VoltVault, particularly with renewable natural gas, which significantly reduces carbon intensity.

- **Charging Capacity and Configuration**: Jerry explains the charging capacity of VoltVault, including options for level three and level two chargers, as well as the ability to charge multiple vehicles simultaneously.

- **Considerations for Deployment**: Jared and Jerry discuss considerations such as space constraints and suitability for fleet applications versus public charging.

- **Versatility and Resilience**: Jared highlights the versatility of VoltVault in addressing infrastructure challenges and its potential for disaster response scenarios, with Jerry emphasizing its quick deployment and resilience.

- **Conclusion**: Jared expresses excitement about the potential applications of VoltVault and its role in accelerating the transition to zero-emission vehicles.

These notes cover key points from the transcript, providing an overview of the discussion between Jared Schneider and Jerry Miller regarding VoltVault and its role in addressing infrastructure challenges for electric vehicles.