113 | The Importance Of Achieving Excellence In Your Mindset And Spirituality For More Ease, More Fun

THE EASY AGING® SHOW | Aging Gracefully, Midlife Energy, Empty Nester, Retirement

04-10-2023 • 9 mins

Hi Easy Ager,

If you're looking for the secret to successfully navigating midlife, this episode is for you.

Going after excellence in two areas of your life — your mindset and your spirituality — can be a gamechanger in whether or not you live with more ease and grace (and, of course, more fun!)

So today, I'm offering you some food for thought and I'm leaving you with a challenge for the upcoming week.

Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...

Cheers, Z 🥂

ARTICLE REFERENCED: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/creativity-may-be-key-to-healthy-aging-here-are-ways-to-stay-inspired/2021/07/10/679e20fc-e0e1-11eb-9f54-7eee10b5fcd2_story.html


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