111 | Live A Bigger Life: Lessons From The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

THE EASY AGING® SHOW | Aging Gracefully, Midlife Energy, Empty Nester, Retirement

20-09-2023 • 11 mins

Hi Easy Ager,

Sometimes, living a bigger life feels overwhelming...

But it doesn't have to be.

In today's episode, I'll be using a scene from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel as inspiration for living a bigger life.

Throughout the series, she was crystal clear on her passion and went after her stand-up comedy career with gusto...

And you can do the same.

I'll leave you with a three-step process to help you get midlife clarity so you can step into that bigger life that you know is waiting for you.

Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...

Cheers, Z 🥂


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