112 | How Midlife Creativity Can Be Your Best Friend As You Age (Your Brain Will LOVE It!)

THE EASY AGING® SHOW | Aging Gracefully, Midlife Energy, Empty Nester, Retirement

27-09-2023 • 9 mins

Hey there, Easy Ager,

Looking for a dose of midlife creativity to put a spring back in your step? Then this episode is for you!

Today, we’ll take a look at three key things that creativity enhances in your life and the one advantage that midlifers have over the youngsters. (Yeah!)

And I’ll leave you with five simple ways that you can incorporate more creativity into your daily life.

Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...

Cheers, Z 🥂

ARTICLE REFERENCED: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/creativity-may-be-key-to-healthy-aging-here-are-ways-to-stay-inspired/2021/07/10/679e20fc-e0e1-11eb-9f54-7eee10b5fcd2_story.html


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