The Villain or the Hero? You Decide!

Beautifully Restored

18-01-2021 • 1 hr 28 mins

What a blast of an interview with this crazy guy! Mike Fabber is a coach, an author, an entrepreneur, a speaker, a podcast host, and the founder of Unleashu Now. He has a wild personal story of traumatic losses, drug addiction, disappointment, and then a journey to discover who he really wanted to become. And that journey led him to where he is today. He is full of passion and has a burning desire to help people embrace who they are and to see the power and impact they have in their personal story. And if you follow me, you know I'm all about that! You will love this candid and inspiring conversation in Episode 39 of Beautifully Restored!

Check out Mike on Instagram @thecoachmikefabber and @unleashunow

His website:

Check me out at: IG: @melcoach80
