Life As We See It with A and A


Life As We See it with A and A is a podcast hosted by two African (Nigerian) women living in the diaspora (America) and sharing their personal stories of Love, Life and Faith. In a world full of negativity and hopelessness, we share our personal life struggles and journey of redemption and finding hope in God. Our goal is to motivate and inspire our listeners to be the best versions of themselves and believe that anything is possible. We hope our stories of self improvement and healing journey helps you to grow. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


This simple mindset helped me build my business as a female CEO w/ Lori Rogers
4d ago
This simple mindset helped me build my business as a female CEO w/ Lori Rogers
In this episode, i interviewed Lori Rogers who is multimillion-dollar and award-winning co- founder of a woman-owned business, built on relationships and positive mindset. She and her husband Neil founded Rogers Marketing and Positive Activity. In 2011, Lori began implementing the practices of Positive Activity and witnessed exponential growth in business, life, and the lives of those around her. She has helped audiences do the same, implementing simple daily activities and mindset shifts that attract a life-changing experience. She talks about the power of visualization and positive affirmations. Instead of dwelling on your fears or negativity, train your mind to visualize the positive/desired outcomes you want to see in your personal life, career, relationships and everything else. Visualizing the feeling of success will help you attract the success you want to see. Positive activity is a results-based methodology for business growth, professional success, and well being leveraging the power of positivity and mindset shifts If you're a career person, professional, entrepreneur of just someone wanting to get ahead in life, the simple tricks and tips shared by Lori will help you move from negativity into attracting more blessings and successes into your life. Hope you enjoy this episode. Please do Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe. Thank you #podcast #staypositive #positiveactivity #mindsetmatters #visualizationtechniques #personalgrowth Please see below Lori's social media handles and her positive activity website for more information: Instagram 1: Instagram 2: Facebook: LinkedIn 1: LinkedIn 2: YouTube: TikTok: Positive Activity: Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
How to easily forgive someone who hurt you (using a of 1-10 scale) with Katharine Giovanni
How to easily forgive someone who hurt you (using a of 1-10 scale) with Katharine Giovanni
In this episode, we talked about forgiveness. Living in a broken world, offenses are inevitable and you have to be willing to forgive people who hurt you in order to welcome good and happiness into your life. I interviewed Katharine Giovanni, a writer and a forgiveness coach who shared with us her proven method to forgiving anyone who has hurt or offended you. Katharine grew up in an alcoholic pickled home and had a strained relationship with her parents. After her parents got divorced in the 8th grade and getting terribly bullied in school, she toyed with the idea of ending her life but thankfully she did not. Her mother's recovery from alcoholism led her to a journey of reconciliation and forgiveness towards are parents especially her mom. Having worked in the concierge industry for many years and applying the tips of walking in forgiveness towards her clients, she's using those lessons learned through her life's journey to coach and teach people on the importance of forgiveness. Forgiveness is selfish and you do it for yourself. You can forgive but not necessarily forget and it is Ok. Her method includes classifying people who hurt you on a 10 point scale with no. 1s being easily forgivable people/offences (e.g. someone cutting you out in traffic) to no. 10s being someone who abused, violated or hurt you deeply (e.g very grievous offenses). Her methods are very practical and can help you forgive anyone. She has written a workbook on these practical steps which can be found on Amazon or anywhere books are sold. Is there someone in your life who has hurt you deeply and you're struggling to forgive? Or are you holding on to anger and resentment?, This video is for you Hope you find it useful in your journey to forgiveness and reconciliation. Please kindly like, comment, subscribe and share. Appreciate your support! #forgiveness #howtoforgive #difficultpeople #forgive #forgiveyourself #forgivenessmatters #practicaltips #podcastshow You can connect with Katharine and her work following the links below: Website: Book: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
From a scandalous Love Affair to Jesus: Patti Townley-Covert's Story
From a scandalous Love Affair to Jesus: Patti Townley-Covert's Story
In this episode i interviewed Patti Townley Covert who is the author of "The windblown girl". She narrates the story from her book, how an intense love affair on a Caribbean cruise ship led her to dependence on Jesus. As young girl she was addicted to men/relationships because she was trying to fill the void in her heart due to the absence of her dad. She met and married her first husband at 19 but the marriage wasn't a very happy one. On a fun Caribbean cruise trip with her mother, she surprisingly suggested she had an affair. Even though she initially pushed back, the seed had been sown. On her 3rd Caribbean cruise adventure, she met and fell in love with a very attractive Norwegian on the cruise ship whose name was Jun. He treated her really good and she found love and safety with him. Shortly afterwards, her marriage of 5 years soon broke down and she was left to cater for their young son after she divorced her husband. She knew she couldn't marry Jun and broke off their relationship which ultimately led her into the loving arms of Christ. For the first time in her life, she found true and perfect love in Jesus and received forgiveness of all her sins. Her memoir "the windblown girl" is centered on the intersectionality between self, sexuality and social issues as it relates to our identity in Christ. Patti's story of redemption and salvation proves that the love of Christ is greater than all our mistakes and will lead us into the path of our true destiny and identity in him. Patti continues to write and is working on so many amazing projects. I hope you enjoyed watching. Please Like , Subscribe, Comment and Share, Thank you! #Storytime #loveaffair #marriage #relationships #divorce #theloveofgod #redemption #salvation #cometojesus #podcast Patti's website is: Please visit and sign up to receive free weekly newsletters and stay updated on all her work and projects. Also, you can purchase her book "The windblown girl" from Amazon Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
"I was married to a Covert Narcissist for 30 years (My Story)" with Mia Hanks
"I was married to a Covert Narcissist for 30 years (My Story)" with Mia Hanks
In this episode, I interviewed Mia Hanks, the author of Bridemade and a survivor of Narcissistic abuse. In her book (Bridemade), she chronicles her journey/30 years experience being married to her husband who she described as a covert narcissist. She chose not be on camera to protect her privacy but she succinctly shares her experience living with a man who emotionally, mentally and physiologically abused her through out the course of their marriage. At the start of the relationship, she experienced love-bombing which is typical of narcissistic relationships, he swept her off her feet and she quickly fell in love married him at 21. Not long after the marriage, his extremely controlling and manipulation behavior began to surface which ultimately led to the breakdown of her marriage. It will be several years into the marriage that she realized what she was experiencing was abuse and began to conduct deeper research into narcissistic abuse. She said she never quite felt safe in her marriage and always knew something was wrong. After close to 30 years, she made the tough decision to file for a divorce. She has chosen to chronicle her day to day experience by writing this book/memoir in the hopes of helping other men and women in these types of toxic relationships. With the help of therapy and the support of her strong community, she has been on a solid recovery journey. Her advise to her daughters and to young girls is to look out for red flags while dating for example pay attention to how you feel around someone (it is a huge indicator!). Hope you enjoyed this episode. Please Like, Subscribe, Like and Comment! #npd #npdsurvivor #narcsurvivor #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #narcissism #covertnarcissist #narcissistic #narcissist #abusiverelationships #narcissiticabuse #toxictraits #podcast #gaslight #relationship #marriage #emotionalabuse #storytime For more information about Mia, please see her socials below and purchase her book from Amazon. Please show your support by purchasing her book as you will learn a lot about these types of relationships and how to avoid falling victim to narcissists Website: TikTok: @npdandme Book: Bride-Made: A Memoir by Mia J Hanks (available in paperback and e-book formats) on Amazon Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
How she overcame abuse, adversities & 2 painful divorces (now married 37 years) | Mimi Tallo's story
How she overcame abuse, adversities & 2 painful divorces (now married 37 years) | Mimi Tallo's story
In this episode, i interviewed Mimi Tallo and she shared her personal story of overcoming abuse, adversities and 2 painful divorces and now happily married to the love of her life for over 37 years. Mimi is a podcaster, an author and the founder of Be Heard Women Empowering Women movement where she provides valuable resources for those seeking support and inspiration. In this episode, we delved into her life's journey (which is from her memoir and first book) “Raised by Wolves Trapped by Demons”. She went through the story of an early childhood of abuse and rejection, how she met both her ex- husbands. Being raised by an alcoholic father, she realized there was a pattern of choosing men who were like her father. She still had decades to live before she would recognize what that pattern meant. After her 2nd divorce, she focused on raising & providing for her 2 young daughters before meeting her current husband who she's been happily married to for 37 years now. She struggled with anxiety and depression for a very long time, and a major portion of her life was spent uncovering, forgiving, and resolving negative patterns from her childhood. Even though she and her husband have been through challenges, they have worked through it through mutual respect and love for each other. Despite many health challenges including surviving breast cancer, going through major surgeries, she has remained positive and has found the gift of writing which is helping her put all her life's experiences on paper to help others who have been through abusive relationships or marginalized situations. Hope you enjoyed this episode and drew some inspiration from Mimi's remarkable story of triumph and victory. Please Like, Subscribe, Comment and Share. #abusiverelationships #marriage #divorce #divorcee #survival #loveofmylife #relationships #toxicrelationships #narcissist #husband #addictionrecovery #abuse #childhoodabuse #podcast #truelifestory #storytime Mimi has a podcast for people of all ages and backgrounds who share their stories of overcoming obstacles to achieve success. Additionally, her show provides a platform for women who may need help, such as those in abusive relationships or marginalized situations. Topics like abuse, addiction, recovery, and toxic shame are consistently discussed on the show. Please see ways to connect with Mimi and her work: Website: YouTube channel: Podcast: Instagram: .mimitallo@condomimi1948 Facebook Pages : You can purchase Mimi's memoir Raised by Wolves, Trapped by demons on Amazon: Books and Amazon Author Pages Raised by Wolves Trapped by Demons Unearthing My Irish Roots Be Heard Surviving Your Demons" Anatomy of an Alien (not yet published) Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
After 2 tough birth experiences: Why I packed my bags & moved to Canada 🇨🇦
After 2 tough birth experiences: Why I packed my bags & moved to Canada 🇨🇦
On this episode I interviewed Damilola Kuku, a Nigerian immigrant who migrated to Canada in 2017 as an International Student with 2 children and her husband. She shared with me the story of "WHY" she moved to Canada with her family despite having a thriving photography career/business in Nigeria. As with any new immigrant, she had to adjust to her new country, dealing the very cold Toronto winters, culture shock, school work, raising her young children and being a wife and mom. Damilola made the brave decision to come to Canada after she nearly lost her life during her first 2 births through C-section in Nigeria. She narrated her traumatic child birth experience in Nigeria, her long journey to recovery with the support of her husband and family and how she made the tough decision to leave her thriving/successful photography business to move to Canada. She also gave very valid advice to married couples migrating to a new country, how they need to remain focused on their "Why" and keep making compromises to ensure their marriage thrives in the new country abroad. She's now an entrepreneur, financial advisor, and the author of a book called, "Living, Loving, Thriving", which shares the stores of struggle and hope of 6 immigrant women who've made the move to Canada to make a better life. Damilola's story is one of bravery, determination and tenacity. Despite obstacles and difficulties, she never let anything deter/stop her. If you're an immigrant or hoping to move abroad to any new country, her story will inspire you and give you the courage to keep going. Hope you enjoyed this episode. Please Like, Subscribe, Comment and Share! #relocation #canada #lifeincanada #canadapr #japa #canadaimmigration #livingincanada #nigeriansinabroad #nigeriansindiaspora #canadastudentvisa #nigeriatocanada #relocating #podcast #nigerianpodcast You can find Damilola at her IG: Her book "Living, Loving, Thriving" Will be out this summer and you can purchase on Amazon. Please support her buying the book and sharing with others. Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Money or morals: Where do you draw the line? | Bad things people do for money
Money or morals: Where do you draw the line? | Bad things people do for money
In this episode, we talked about the bad and unethical things people do for money. As humans, we must know where to draw the line when it comes to the pursuit of cash and affluence. Will your morals prevail or will greed prevail? We noted that poverty is at the root/foundation of why people engage in illegal and unethical activities to make money. There is no justification for engaging in unethical/illegal activities to make money because the end never justifies the means. We encourage people to work hard and live within their means. We also highlighted the need for family planning especially in developing countries/poor communities where people give birth to more children than they can take care of. This leads to early childhood labor and putting young children to work hence exposing them to abuse and other social vices. Some illegal activities we talked about were kidnapping, fraud/scamming (or "yahoo yahoo" as Nigerians call it), vandalism, human trafficking, bribery, etc. The purpose of this episode is to highlight and put a name to these terrible/horrible things people do for money and to denounce it and dissuade people from partaking in it. Hope you enjoyed this episode. Please Like, Comment, Subscribe and Share. Thank you #moneymaking #moneyrituals #corruptionexposed #yahooboy #419 #yahooyahoo #africandiaspora #nigeriansinabroad #podcast Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Why LOOKS will always matter!: The advantages of pretty privilege
Why LOOKS will always matter!: The advantages of pretty privilege
On this episode, we discuss the advantages of pretty privilege. Pretty privilege are perks people who are considered conventionally attractive enjoy in life. Whether we admit or not, the society favors more conventionally attractive persons than others. As one who has benefitted and experienced favoritism due to being pretty/attractive, Ebere shares with me her earliest awareness of her privilege and how those experiences shaped her. She shares why she doesn't take her pretty privilege for granted and why she thinks it isn't fair. She admits that while she enjoyed the perks of being pretty in Africa (Nigeria), she hasn't experienced it much here in America as a black woman. We talked about how men and women experience pretty privilege and who benefits more from it. I expressed my confusion as to why pretty people or people who are considered privileged are mean. If you're privileged, the least you can be is nice and kind to people. As someone who never experienced pretty privilege, i learned early on as a child to develop other areas of my life like my personality and developing my intellectual capacity. We are all obviously privileged in different areas. Awareness of our privilege goes a long way in helping us hold space and empathize with others who aren't as privileged as we are. If you're someone who has experienced pretty privilege or you have seen others who enjoyed it, i hope this discussion validates how you feel and we'll love to hear about your experience. Appreciate your support. Please Like, Comment and Share, Thank you. #prettyprivilege #looksmatter #blackwomen #fairskin #privileges #africanpodcasters Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
My dating experience as a black immigrant woman in USA | "I'd only date men over 40..."
My dating experience as a black immigrant woman in USA | "I'd only date men over 40..."
In this episode, I am joined again by Ebere who shared her dating experiences as a black immigrant woman living in America. She shared her initial struggles as a new immigrant in America and what her current dating experience in America has been like. We talked about the struggles of online dating, dating as a mature single women and understanding the social cues in the dating world. Ebere listed out some criteria for a potential date/mate which mostly includes dating only men over 40, men who are financially stable, and men with good academic standing. We compare the differences between dating Black/African (Nigerian) men vs dating White/Caucasian American men. Dating White men is quite different as the rules of dating are quite different. While Black/African men like to take charge (or be in charge), white men are quite laid back and will allow their take the wheel sometimes. Ebere highlighted the social cues she quickly had to learn after she moved to the US which enabled her be successful dating here in America. We also talked about "red flags" in a date/mate relationship and what young ladies need to look for in a potential partner. We discussed many more topics around dating and relationships and if you're someone looking to date or find a potential mate/partner, I hope listening to Ebere share her experiences helps you feel less alone and helps in your journey to finding true and lasting happiness. Hope you enjoyed watching this. Please Subscribe, Like, Share and Comment. Thank you! #datinginyour40s #dating #onlinedating #datingexperience #blackwoman #nigeriansindiaspora #newimmigrants #africandiaspora #livinginamerica #japa #relationships #livingabroad #podcast Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Why you should enjoy your Life... | Some practical tips
Why you should enjoy your Life... | Some practical tips
In this episode, we talked about Why you should enjoy your life. We discuss it from a scriptural perspective, does God want us to enjoy life and every good thing life's got to offer? And the simple answer as far as we're concerned is Yes. Religion has made us to believe that being poor is God's plan for us mostly because of the parable/story of the rich man & Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31. Most Christians attribute the eternal fate of Lazarus to his humble state and attribute poverty to righteousness or humility which is not what Jesus taught. The bible says in 3 John 1:2 that God wishes above all things that we prosper and be in good health even as our souls prosper. We understand there might be periods of hardship or uncertainty but it will not be permanent. During the tough times, it is important to maintain a positive outlook on life and know that things will turn out better. Amaka shared her testimony of how God helped her through her initial struggles as an immigrant in the US and how things turned around for her at some point. This episode is for everyone at a transition or in-between phase in their life, wondering what God's plan for them is, or wondering if God wants them to be happy or prosperous or victorious. Yes He does and I hope this serves as a sign to you to go chase that dream and become/achieve all that God wants you to be. Hope this episode blessed you. Please Like, Subscribe, Comment and Share. Thank you! Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Successful Nigerian Immigrant female banker in the US who loves to solo hike/camp in the wild
Successful Nigerian Immigrant female banker in the US who loves to solo hike/camp in the wild
In this episode, I interviewed Ebere who is a successful Nigerian immigrant banker in NewYork city as she shares her passion and love for fitness and the outdoors (hiking, camping, backpacking, skiing, etc). Ebere immigrated to America from Nigeria over a decade ago and holds an MBA from the University of Houston, Texas. Ebere is a fitness and outdoor enthusiast and finds joy exploring the outdoors in her free time. She attributes her love for hiking to her dad who seldomly took her and her siblings to the farm/country in Nigeria as a kid. Her earliest memory of surviving the outdoors includes her dad playfully tossing her into the stream which forced her to engage her faculties and learn the game of survival. Her most memorable hike includes a recent hike to Mount Rainier where she hiked multiple trails including hiking 14.5 miles of the wonderland trail at up to 5,000ft elevation. She has gone on a lot of hiking and backpacking trips and has many more on her bucket list. Being a Nigerian immigrant living in NewYork city, she has built for herself a community of other hikers from different races and professions. She has done both solo back-packing and hiking trips as well as group trips with her community of friends. Her advice to young women and other African immigrants is to be open minded to experiencing the outdoors and not limit their experiences. She hopes to provide/create more awareness to the benefits and beauty of hiking to the African/Nigerian community both in the diaspora and in Africa/Nigeria. If she had a million dollars, she will rather go hiking. back-packing, camping or skiing rather than go on a shopping spree. Hope you enjoyed this episode and it inspires you to new adventures in the wild/outdoors. Please Like, Comment, Subscribe and Share. Thank you. #hikingadventures #backpacking #nigeriansindiaspora #nigeriansinabroad #africandiaspora #nigerianpodcast You can follow Ebere on her social media handles: FB: Instagram: Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Living in Africa: Nigerians abroad have honest conversation about their life experiences in Africa
Living in Africa: Nigerians abroad have honest conversation about their life experiences in Africa
In this episode, we share our experience of living in Africa as Nigerians living abroad. We share what we miss about home, the good the bad, the pros, the cons and everything in between. The goal of this podcast is to demystify and to redeem the image of Africa the media has potrayed for too long. Africa is rich both geographically, culturally and in human resources. While Africa is still lagging behind in many technological advancement, the continet has made huge strides. We talked about the bad things we do not like about Africa, things like corruption, mismanagement of natural resources, poor infrastructural amenities, bad roads, interrupted power supply, corruption in government, all these and more plague our country Nigeria and most African countries. We also talked about the negative effects of our cultural practices. The African culture can be backward and archaic and need to be reviewed and reset to adapt with the changing times. Some of these are cultures that shut women down and oppress them unfairly, also demand utmost command of respect from the youth (yound people) towards older people. Despite all the cons/negative things about Africa, it is still a very happy and vibrant place to live. The people are warm and welcoming and are always up to have a good time. If you're someone who's curious about life in Africa and looking to visit or relocate, this video is for you. It will help answer someone your burning questions or give you new insights. Pleas do well to Like, Subscribe, Share and Comment. We will like to hear about your experiences/stories of living in Africa. Thank you. Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Mistakes i made in my 20s and Life lessons/raw honest advice on dating, being true to yourself, setting goals, etc
Mistakes i made in my 20s and Life lessons/raw honest advice on dating, being true to yourself, setting goals, etc
In this episode we shared about "what I wish I knew in my 20s" as well as 6 life lesson learned and advice for young people. Your 20s are a crucial decade of your life because you are forming your own identity and coming into your own as an individual. The decisions you make in your 20s can affect the rest of your life so you have to be careful not to make catastrophic mistakes. These are our insights into navigating life as a young twenty something year old. We talked about the importance of being your true self, being discerning (so you don't mistakenly get trapped in a cult/controlling relationship/environment), setting good goals, refusing to be enslaved, going on many dates and building up your Faith life. We think your 20s is a time to take calculated risks, make mistakes, date many people and set boundaries for yourself. Do not beat yourself up too much when you fail/make mistakes, you're still young and will learn to become a better person. I made some mistakes in my 20s because i was afraid to take risks, didn't date much and was a people pleaser, I wish i did things differently. Whether you're twenty-something seeking guidance or or simply curious about about improving yourself as an individual at any age, our candid discussion offers practical advice and eye opening revelations based on our personal experiences. Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Finding gratitude in an age of entitlement (gratitude VS entitlement )
Finding gratitude in an age of entitlement (gratitude VS entitlement )
In this episode, we talked about the power of choosing gratitude. Being grateful (gratitude) destroys entitlement mentality, fosters resilience and improves our relationship with others and with God. We shared how gratitude helps us focus on more important things and on the blessings we have like good health, breath, life, family, friends, roof over our head, food on our tables, etc People who practice gratitude are never entitled, they always look at the glass as half full instead of half empty. Instead of worrying about things we don't have, it is better to stay grateful and have gratitude affirmations to help us going. When we are grateful to God, we show that we respect, revere and are thankful for His many blessings. In thesame way, when we are grateful to other humans, it helps foster a deeper relationship with them. It's important for parents to start teaching their children on the importance of gratitude and not to be entitled so that they don't expect life to give them anything without hardwork and resilience. We also talked about people who get angry and entitled when you are unable to be there for them despite being generous to them previously. We also talked about the importance of keep a gratitude journal and having gratitude affirmations. Gratitude helps us focus on the positives in our lives #gratitude #gratitudeaffirmations #entitledpeople #entitlement #brenebrown #nigerianpodcast #podcast #nigeriansindiaspora #gratefulheart #gratefulness #powerofgratitude Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Working in corporate America as an immigrant VS working in Africa (The struggles & Realities)
Working in corporate America as an immigrant VS working in Africa (The struggles & Realities)
In this episode we share our personal experience on the difference between working in corporate America (as immigrants) versus working in Africa (Nigeria). Having worked in both spaces for couple years, we outlined the differences we have noticed, the pros & cons, likes and dislikes, the dos and dont's, etc. Our con-census is that working in America is more difficult, time consuming, demanding, no work life balance and is more difficult fitting in. However, working in Africa (Nigeria specifically),has better work life balance, people are friendlier, it's easier to fit in and there's better community, etc. On the other hand, in terms of work culture, work efficiency and diversity, working in America is better compared to working in Africa. We also talk about differences in work culture, lifestyle, salary/compensation, diversity, etc. Compensation/salaries as well as employee benefits like 401k, stocks, HSA, etc are better in America. Unlike in America where diversity is big, in Africa (Nigeria), it isn't so, the work force is typically more homogeneous with older people being discriminated against for employment. We talked about how hard it is to fit in in corporate America as an immigrant, you have to "code-switch" and speak the "lingo" to fit into work because you are a minority and have to "act" like the rest of the team to fit in. This isn't the case in Africa (Nigeria) because everyone is similar and so we're free to be our true selves which is really good. This video is a must-watch for anybody hoping to migrate to the USA, Canada, UK or any western country for work so they can learn about the differences between working in Africa and these countries (e.g. America). It will help prepare them and help them set the right expectations. It is also good for immigrants who are already living abroad so they can know that they are not alone in their struggles/experiences. We hope you can identify with our experiences. Please share your own experiences with us in the comment section. Please Subscribe, Like, Comment and Share. Appreciate your support. Thank you! #corporateamerica #nigeriansindiaspora #lifeinamerica #workinusa #nigeriansinabroad #immigrantlife #livinginamerica #japa #livingabroad #podcast #newimmigrants #nigerianpodcasts Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Why many African marriages fail after relocating abroad | What couples need to do
Why many African marriages fail after relocating abroad | What couples need to do
In this episodes we discuss reasons why African marriages fail abroad (in the diaspora). As we all know, marriage takes a lot of work and when couples migrate to a new country, (example relocating from Nigeria to America, UK, Canada, Germany, etc) it can take a toll on the marriage dynamics/relationship. We delved into the key factors that affect marriages in the diaspora and one of the major factor we identified was "cultural differences". Africa being a patriarchal society, places a lot of power, authority and dominance on the husband, and when the couples relocate to western society where patriarchy isn't practiced, it changes the rules of engagement and can cause a lot of friction between husband and wife. We also talk about how husbands need to step up and help their wives perform domestic chores or provide the emotional support when they relocate to a new country where they have no help. Other factors that can negatively impact marriages in the diaspora are social changes, financial pressure, lack of support and pressure of settling down in a new environment. We discussed ways couples can prevent marriage breakdown before relocation. They need to come together and draw up a solid plan on how they will operate in the new country to avoid surprises. They also have to always communicate, be empathetic, understanding of each other and be each other support person. They should work together in unity as it will help set them up for success. They should be open to change/adaptable, take their Faith journey seriously and go for counselling/therapy to help them navigate the stress of settling in. This video is a must-watch for anybody or for couples planning to relocate and are interested in learning about the cultural, social or economic factors that contribute to the complexities of African (Nigerian, Ghanian, South African, etc) marriages abroad (America, UK, Canada, Australia, etc). Thank you for watching and hope you learned a thing or two. Please subscribe, comment, like and share. We appreciate your support #marriageadvice #africansindiaspora #nigeriansindiaspora #africanmarriages #livinginamerica #japa #relationships #abroad #marriagefails #nigerianpodcast #livingabroad Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
My Fitness Journey | How I started in college AND still running as a Mom/Career Woman in America
My Fitness Journey | How I started in college AND still running as a Mom/Career Woman in America
On this episode, we interviewed Ifeoma Muoto who is a public health administrator and community health facilitator. Ifeoma is a Nigerian immigrant who lives in Portland, Oregon USA with her husband and kids . Her journey to becoming and staying fit started many years ago while in college in Nigeria after losing about 30 pounds, she fell in love with running and has continued that lifestyle since then. Her daily routine involves 4 mile runs 3 to 4 days every week and a 10 mile run once a week. She has found a community of friends "her running family" who she runs with and they hold each other accountable. Having received a pre-diabetes diagnosis early one, running/leading an active life bas become even more important/paramount for her. Her motivation for running/exercise is no longer about weight loss but about being in top shape including improved mental health and wellness. Fitness is not limited to just exercise but nutrition also. It's important to eat food rich in fiber and proteins. It is ok to indulge in "cheat days" but keep it at a minimum because the combined effect adds up. Her advice to other moms especially black women/immigrants is to just start. Eventhough fitness doesn't come naturally for us Africans or black women or moms, we must develop these habits to ensure a healthy lifestyle. Some of her achievements include running two full marathons and several half marathons. Her one main project right now is staying hydrated, getting enough sleep and hoping to do a destination race sometime in the future. Hope you enjoyed watching this episode. Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section. Please Like, Comment and Subscribe. Thank you! #myfitnessjourney #exercisetips #workingmom #nigeriansindiaspora #immigrantsstories Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Going for what you want in Life against all odds | Immigrant in America | Story of perseverance pt 2
Going for what you want in Life against all odds | Immigrant in America | Story of perseverance pt 2
This is the conclusion of Opeyemi (Ope)’s interview. With a mindset to fearlessly pursue his dreams, Ope believes that going for what he wants is the secret to success as an immigrant in America. He is an accomplished data engineer and successful black business owner & entrepreneur in America. He moved to the US from Nigeria over a decade ago and shares with us his story of perseverance and determination. Having transitioned from a career as a process engineer at Intel to a data scientist/engineer at Amazon, he has established himself as an expert in his field teaching and inspiring others. Opeyemi believes in fearlessly pursuing his dreams, he doesn’t shy away from taking risks and goes for what he believes in. After reading a book from Angela Duckworth titled "Grit: The power of power and perseverance" , he developed a mindset shift that has driven his mentality which is to always persevere and go for what he wants. His hope is to change a billion lives with his innovations. His desire to impart knowledge to others forms the drive in starting his YouTube channel where he teaches data engineering courses and also awesum edge tutors where he conducts boot camps where he teaches SQL, coding, etc. He also talks about overcoming imposter syndrome, staying motivated and highlighted the importance of having good mentors. He talked about how his mentors helped him learn new skills and have helped him navigate his career journey. He also talked about how his wife's constant support & Faith in God helped him succeed in all of these endeavors. Hope you enjoyed this episode. Please do like, Comment, share & subscribe. Thanks #immigrantsstories #storytime #immigrantjourney #becomingadataengineer #nigeriansinamerica You can connect with Opeyemi and subscribe to his Youtube channel & business websites. Youtube channel for Data Engineering Tutorials: Awesum Edge Website for SQL/Data Engineering: Silvafly Bakery Instagram: Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
A Story of Perseverance: My journey to succeeding as a data engineer & immigrant in America
A Story of Perseverance: My journey to succeeding as a data engineer & immigrant in America
On this episode, we interviewed Opeyemi (Ope) who is a successful data engineer and business owner in America. He came to the US from Nigeria many years ago without much but a fully funded scholarship and a sheer determination to pursue his graduate studies and succeed. He opens up about his childhood struggles. Having lost his father at a very tender age, he helped to support his mom to provide for the family. He recognizes his mom who he credits for all of his success. With little or no education, his mom singlehandedly raised him and his siblings by herself and put them all through school from her small petty trading business. Being gifted by God with intelligence, he excelled in school and always came top of his class. He narrates how he started his fist business (a coaching center) at just 17 and went on to establish many more. He shares his academic/career journey with us, from getting his Masters & PhD to working aa a process engineer at Intel to becoming a data engineer at Amazon. Through his story, it is clear that Opeyemi is very driven and has strategically taken steps to position himself at the cutting edge of innovation. In addition to being a data engineer, he is the founder and owner of Awesum Edge tutors where he teaches data engineering skills including SQL. He also recently started a bakery (Silvafly bakery) where he makes the famous Agege bread which is a staple for most Nigerians who grew up in Lagos. This is just Part 1 of our interview with him. Please come back for part 2 and while you're here, please Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe. You can connect with Opeyemi and subscribe to his Youtube channel & business websites. Find Opeyemi's work here: ouTube channel for Data Engineering Tutorials: Awesum Edge Website for SQL/Data Engineering: Silvafly Bakery Instagram: Please Subscribe and watch our YouTube channel: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠