What Makes a Good Husband? - Signs to look out for

Life As We See It with A and A

12-02-2024 • 39 mins

On this episode, we discussed How to know who to marry. Amaka shared several signs to help women identify a potential husband (partner). Marriage is a beautiful thing when done with the right person. We discussed red flags to be on the lookout for while dating for example, physical abuse (slap and apologize), emotional abuse (silent treatment), pride and stubbornness (being set in one's ways/talking down on people). We also talked about good signs/green light to show that a man will make a good husband e.g. kindness, empathy, being considerate, etc. Marriages fail when only one person is doing all the work but it succeeds when it is built on mutual respect, love and sacrifices from both parties. The choice of a life partner is a very crucial and important decision otherwise, you will be miserable even though you're married. Hope you enjoyed this episode. Please Leave us a Review, Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe. We appreciate your support. #Marriage #RedflagsInDating #GoodHusband #Relationships #femalepodcasters

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