223. ☀️ How a Rude DM Inspired Me to Do This [Summer Series]

On Your Terms® | Legal Tips Meets Marketing Strategies for Online Business

22-07-2024 • 17 mins

The other day I received a comment on social media about how I did not look great in a video. In the past, I would have been reactive. Instead, I just laughed out loud.

In today’s episode, I share my practice in becoming more confident and comfortable with myself and my online business.

It has been a journey, and it is definitely still ongoing, but if this Philly-born, 90s era-raised girl can do it, so can you.

In this episode, you’ll hear…

  • Why perfectionism is the enemy of content
  • How changing the stories you tell yourself can make you less reactive to negative comments
  • The importance of practicing detachment from your business

Click here to find the full show notes and transcript for this episode.




Produced by NOVA Media