Hoax - Real Mermaids, Magicians and Balloon Boy does Metal

Say What

Feb 28 2022 • 24 mins

To investigate the word "Hoax", we need to talk about magicians and the Catholic liturgy.

This episode is about a fake word, in a way. A made up word. But what is true, is that people have been hoaxing the public for centuries. Whether is the story of a woman who gave birth to rabbits, the Fiji Mermaid, or Balloon Boy, why are people so gullible or is it just our psychology that makes us want to believe? Well I've consulted the media, history books and dictionaries to find out.

In this episode:

Hocus Pocus Junior: The Anatomie of Legerdemain: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/34375/34375-h/34375-h.htm
Museum of Hoaxes: http://hoaxes.org/
Cottingly Fairies: https://bit.ly/3thNtM7
Feejee Mermaid: https://bit.ly/3IuWAzc
The Heene Boyz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVbV_Sis99o&t=15s

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Produced by Jo Vraca. You can find my books on Amazon
Sound engineering and original music by Jeff Willis. You can find his tunes on Spotify and iTunes
Additional music thanks to https://uppbeat.io