Create Experiences Not Products - Minute Mondays EP 66

The John Papaloni Show

11-07-2022 • 2 mins

Create Experiences Not Products - Minute Mondays EP 66

If you continue to focus on your product features instead of focusing on providing the best customer experience possible you will find that you are always struggling with getting customers to come back or send referrals.

The times where telling someone that you have the freshest eggs in town to get them to want to come to your business is pretty much long gone, besides even if you do get them in there once if they don't enjoy it they will never be back and will have no hesitation to let others know how bad it was.

Using the restaurant as an example to my point, in 2022 you can pretty much get eggs and toast at any breakfast place and that's not incentive enough to walk through your doors. What will get people to love your restaurant is the experience and feeling they get when they do come in. If they feel care free, having a great time and overall feel better walking out than they did coming in. You can bet they will be back and with more people. Your goal should be to OVER DELIVER EVERY TIME!