TV Club: Obi-Wan Kenobi Review (with J.S. Dewes, J. Dianne Dotson & Patricia A. Jackson)

SFF Addicts

21-07-2022 • 1 hr 37 mins

Welcome to our first new TV Club bonus episode in a while! Join host Adrian M. Gibson and guest authors J.S. Dewes, J. Dianne Dotson and Patricia A. Jackson as they review the Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries, the new Star Wars TV show starring everyone's favorite Jedi Master. During the panel they discuss their relationships with the Obi-Wan character, first impressions after seeing the show, character portrayals and storylines, hopes for a potential second season, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Inquisitors and much more.

WARNING: This panel contains spoilers for the entire Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseres, as well as various aspects of the main Star Wars films.

NOTE: Due to a technical issue,Adrian's audio is choppy during the first two minutes. After the guest introductions, though, the audio clears up.


J.S. Dewes is an author, cinematographer, and video editor with a degree in film production. She is best known for her books The Last Watch and The Exiled Fleet, books one and two in The Divide series.

Find Jenny on Twitter, Amazon or her personal website.

J. Dianne Dotson is the author of the Questrison Saga, as well as a science writer,  content writer and manager, short story writer, editor, watercolorist  and illustrator.

Find Dianne on Twitter, Amazon and her personal website.

Patricia A. Jackson is the author of Forging A Nightmare, her debut novel.

Find Patricia on Twitter, Amazon and her personal website.


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Intro: "FanFiAddict Theme (Short Version)" by Astronoz

Interlude 1: "The Wind" by Astronoz

The Broken Binding Ad & Interlude 2: “Crescendo” by Astronoz

Outro: “Cloudy Sunset” by Astronoz

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