November 2023 Recap w/ Vershawne St.Hilaire

Sweet Somethings

06-12-2023 тАв 2 hrs 34 mins

For the November recap, I am joined with my Siiiister!! Vershawne St.Hilaire. In this episode we discuss together our "It's okay to", current events, high & lows, and themes that we wrestled with in the month of November and much more! I was impressed to publish this episode as is with no edits, just me and my sister flowing in real time. This episode is the longest yet but it's one that you won't want to miss out on gleaning so that you can grow! Take a listen and let us know your thoughts when you can at Remember to please hit the follow button as well, share yourself with us through our polls and Q&A, and drop us a voice message at this link: Thank you for listening and hope to see you on the next! ЁЯдЧ ***correction*** тАЬThe Toltec Civilization flourished in ancient central Mexico between the 10th and mid-12th centuries.тАЭ