Episode 56: Interview with Marc Elmer (ACE Editor on David Lee Roth’s ”No Holds Bar-B-Que”)

The DLR Cast

20-02-2022 • 1 hr 41 mins

Only one podcast can get so much inside information on David Lee Roth's No Holds Bar-B-Que film! This week, Steve and Darren talk to Marc Elmer, ACE -- editor on that weird, sublime, and fascinating film. Marc tells about the weeks and weeks of work on the video, working closely with Dave, being encouraged to think outside the box, some deep conversations he had with Diamond Dave, a certain pair of socks (!) and MUCH more. You don't want to miss this! At the top, Darren and Steve talk about what was, and who was in, "The DLR Vegas Band," more musical chairs, the 10th anniversary and the recording of the final Van Halen album A Different Kind of Truth, INK the original and more. Plus, a few teasers for upcoming episodes of The DLR Cast!

You can find Marc Elmer at marctheeditor.com and he also does voice-over work; find out more at marcelmervoiceovers.com