Episode 2: Sid, an Exchange Student from Japan

AU Today

12-01-2023 тАв 43 mins

Welcome to AU Survival Guide! It is a weekly podcast with Alfred University students, talking about college and interviewing fellow students and faculty. We recorded this episode at the end of the Fall 2022 semester. We invited our great friend Sid, who was about to leave for Japan. As an exchange student, he studied at Alfred University for only one semester, so we talked about his experience in America, exams, traditions, and differences between cultures. We really appreciate Sid for everything we have been through with him, he is one of the most open-minded and kind people out there. Make sure to follow his journey on Instagram @sidney_nyc0207 and say helloЁЯе╣

You can find us @au_walf89.7 on Instagram. We are accepting submissions for the guests on our page and here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdNP1fO_U8V8nvYb0Yd3kIOp_Bg6XcJvOHcw5ifC9Wla0Q08A/viewform

What a college radio should be!