Episode 126: “As Dangerous as any Stimulant”

Fair Game Theory

26-06-2024 • 40 mins

“Covert action is a stimulating business, a heady experience for those who sponsor it and for its practitioners. If not used in moderation, it is as dangerous as any stimulant.”

-David Phillips, former CIA Officer

What’s up Y’all School of Drama. I got the above quote from “The Last Honest Man” by James Risen. I highly recommend it to anyone with time to kill while you’re sitting in a parked car near my home, watching me from a live feed hidden camera, and masturbating.

Speaking of heady experiences, I’m pretty sure my coworkers and managers and people getting paid to interact with me in a highly controlled environment have been commissioned in an elaborate scheme to covertly chip away at me using advanced psychological warfare tactics until I am a shell of my former self who appears to have inexplicably just declined after leaving Scientology. This episode is about their possible/probable attempt to Paulette Cooper me into an alcohol dependency.

Also-nobody can use these episodes as inspiration for your Netflix series. You have to come hire me and give me book deals. Happy Pride Bychess!

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