Ep 35: What Is Holding You Back From Growth and Evolving Into Your Bad Ass True Self

Unleashed Creatrix

Jan 17 2022 • 22 mins

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I go over what we hold onto that is keeping us from growing and evolving into the people that we are meant to be: our TRUE SELF.
When we hold onto things that do not allow for us to grasp and hold onto something that would serve us better.
I talk about ways to create and cultivate space for growth and evolution.

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Join the Unleashed Creatrix Collective
The Unleashed Creatrix Collective is a community of women seeking to feel alive and love themselves and their lives again, done chasing perfectionism and all the shoulds by reconnecting to who they truly are, own their lives. Join us for monthly mentorship to reignite your spark, unlearn limiting beliefs and unhelpful habits that's distracting you from being the person you want to be. Click here to join

Get the support you need to take charge and love yourself and your life again. My mission is empowering women to look within yourselves for confidence, personal power and clarity on how to take charge of your lives by developing a strong sense of self, putting the middle finger up to perfectionism, unlearning limiting beliefs , and change those unhelpful habits that we've all accumulated over our lifetime.

I've got your back! Click the link above to learn about all the ways I can support you in your journey of taking charge of your life.

Connect with Angi Powell:
Website: angelapowellcoaching.com
Facebook: @angelapowellcoaching
Instagram: @angelapowellcoaching
YouTube: @IamAngiPowell