#117 The Great Swamp Massacre

Strange & Unexplained

02-01-2023 • 29 mins

A crumbling monolith-like monument that looks more like it belongs with roman ruins than a Rhode Island swamp, is all that remains to remind us of one of the gravest injustices of King Philip's War. What was King Philip's War you ask? Yea I didn’t know either, but it was an armed conflict in 1675–1676 between indigenous inhabitants of New England and the New England colonists along with their indigenous ‘allies’. The war was named for Metacom, the Wampanoag chief who adopted the name Philip because of the friendly relations between his father Massasoit and the Mayflower Pilgrims. The war continued in the most northern reaches of New England until the signing of the Treaty of Casco Bay on April 12, 1678. It's often considered a crucial battle, although a more accurate description of the events of that day would be massacre.   EVERYTHING TRUE CRIME GUYS: https://linktr.ee/Truecrimeguysproductions Patreon.com/truecrimeguys Merch: truecrimeguys.threadless.com Sources: https://thepublicsradio.org/article/site-of-great-swamp-massacre-returned-to-narragansett-indian-tribe?fbclid=IwAR3ATd11o2z3DopRMh2N0WT-FQijvJZUu-fyquCDENNeja9RIah197ckzAM&mc_cid=1952680b45&mc_eid=72718959ec https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Swamp_Fight https://youtu.be/ignLtfcqQkg https://youtu.be/Fu9rSBFP_HI https://www.historynet.com/blood-and-betrayal-king-philips-war/?f