124 - This Simple Dog Training Method Could Stop Your Dog From Stealing

Down 4 Paws: Positive Dog Training Convos

06-03-2024 • 6 mins

Tired of playing chase with your dog every time they decide your belongings are their new toys?

Pam Brown from Down 4 Paws Dog Training brings you a game-changing solution in this must-listen episode.

Discover the one simple training technique that will teach your dog to resist their impulsive urges and stop stealing your stuff.

Pam dives into the reasons behind your dog's kleptomaniac tendencies, from boredom to hunger, and unveils a straightforward, effective method to curb this behavior.

With a mix of personal anecdotes and live demonstrations with her own dog, she makes training accessible and fun.

This episode is not just about teaching your dog the "leave it" command; it's about transforming your approach to dog training with practical, everyday solutions.

Whether you're dealing with shoes, toys, or anything else your dog fancies, Pam's insights will help you achieve harmony and order in your home.