TEJTW Kansas City! with Ryan (8) and Suzanne (9) Motter

The Enneagram Journey

23-11-2022 • 1 hr 37 mins

Thank you everyone who has joined us on The Enneagram Journey Toward Wholeness Tour '22, both in person at the recordings and from your home, car, work, the gym and on your walks.

Today's episode is the final conversation from the tour, with Ryan and Suzanne Motter in Kansas City, MO. Ryan and Suzanne work together, raise two wonderful girls together, and support each other in the hot seat with the Enneagram Godmother.

2023 will be filled with new episodes and conversations, but it'll be hard to top these live shows!

If you listened all the way through this episode and want to contribut to the next episode of Others On The Journey. Visit theenneagramjourney.com/contact and leave a voicemail with your enneagram number and your relationship with Trust. Reminder that it has to be 90 seconds or less.  Can hardly wait to hear and share your responses!

The podcast is produced by Life in the Trinity Ministry. It is made possible with your financial support. You can make donations to support LTM and the podcast at lifeinthetrinityministry.com/about


  1. The Change Up (2011 Relativity Media)
  2. TEJ podcast, OOTJ (9s and Change)
  3. The Kingdom of Heaven (2005 Twentieth Century Fox)
  4. Meet The Parents (2000 Universal Pictures)
  5. Old School (2003 Paramount Pictures)