New Home New Adventures.

Equine Voices Podcast

06-02-2024 • 8 mins

New Home New Adventures.
Hello and welcome to this little update on why I’ve been a  little quiet since my last podcast and what I’ve been up to in the last month.

Myself and the girls (horses) have moved to another area of the UK.

A move was on the cards but to be honest, I was not sure where it would be.

Well here I am and after taking a little while to settle, I’m now looking forward to seeing where this road will take me.

Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith (even if it’s not initially where you wanted to go)  there are reasons that at this time I may not be be able to see and  this is the next step in my particular journey.

When you ask the universe to deliver, it may not always be in the way you expected but I can assure you more often than not, it may be far better than you could ever imagine.

Have a wonderful day,
Regards Ronnie

This recording was made while sat  with my horses one evening, so the quality may have a little background sound in parts.

Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

Contact Ronnie.