Episode 34: Running Across Europe with Tish Joyce


06-07-2022 • 50 mins

In 2017, while working for an international company in the north of England, Tish Joyce took the bold decision to attend a meeting in Germany by flying to Amsterdam and travelling the rest of the way on foot. Thus began Tish’s marathon trip across northern Europe with just a backpack, a tent and a pair of running shoes. In this somewhat jaw-dropping interview, Tish explains:

  • what motivated her to run an average of a marathon a day across northern Europe
  • how she overcame adversity through positive thinking and being gentle on herself
  • what she learned during hundreds of meditative hours spent running alone
  • how she learned to slow down, live in the moment and be her own authentic self
  • how she has achieved life balance and a solid grounding through self-love

Tish is now based in the Scottish Highlands, where she runs an Ayurveda practice. She can be contacted at www.highlandayurveda.com

The desert marathon Tish mentioned in this interview is the Marathon des Sables, also known as ‘The Toughest Footrace on Earth’.


Music: Pablito's Way by Paolo Pavan