Pavex with Luca Palmieri

Rustacean Station

09-04-2024 • 1 hr 18 mins

Allen Wyma talks with Luca Palmieri about Pavex, a new API-focused web framework for Rust. Contributing to Rustacean Station Rustacean Station is a community project; get in touch with us if you’d like to suggest an idea for an episode or offer your services as a host or audio editor! Twitter: @rustaceanfm Discord: Rustacean Station Github: @rustacean-station Email: Timestamps [@00:00] - Meet Luca Palmieri, software engineer, author of Zero To Production In Rust, open source maintainer & contributor [@02:04] - Luca’s working experience, discussing time at AWS and moving to Mainmatter Smithy smithy-rs [@09:01] - Pavex: a Rust framework for professionals Pavex: re-imaging API development in Rust (RustNationUK 2024) [@22:57] - Rustdoc JSON & the f macro Reasoning about Rust: an introduction to Rustdoc’s JSON format (EuroRust 2023) cargo-semver-checks [@37:19] - Lessons from maintaining open-source projects like Building a Better Foundation for Rocket’s Future The Economics of Programming Languages (Strange Loop 2023) [@52:17] - Pavex’s closed beta stage [@56:43] - Plans for production readiness [@01:10:43] - Potential pricing models [@01:12:39] - Closing discussion Credits Intro Theme: Aerocity Audio Editing: Plangora Hosting Infrastructure: Jon Gjengset Show Notes: Plangora Hosts: Allen Wyma