Asciinema with Marcin Kulik

Rustacean Station

31-01-2024 • 51 mins

Allen Wyma talks with Marcin Kulik about his work on asciinema, a service that allows people to record their terminal windows to share with others, that has the custom asciinema player written in Rust. Contributing to Rustacean Station Rustacean Station is a community project; get in touch with us if you’d like to suggest an idea for an episode or offer your services as a host or audio editor! Twitter: @rustaceanfm Discord: Rustacean Station Github: @rustacean-station Email: Timestamps [@00:00] - Introduction [@01:56] - Overview of Asciinema: A suite of tools for recording, replaying, and sharing terminal sessions [@09:11] - More about Marcin Kulik, the creator of Asciinema, and his background [@10:08] - Inspiration behind the creation of Asciinema [@18:52] - Marcin’s journey into Rust [@23:15] - Balancing paid development and consulting services for Asciinema [@24:36] - Progress on the Rust rewrite [@28:37] - AGG (Asciinema GIF generator) [@34:44] - Maintaining multiple languages and the role of Rust [@40:17] - Future plans for Asciinema and potential features [@47:23] - Closing discussion Credits Intro Theme: Aerocity Audio Editing: Plangora Hosting Infrastructure: Jon Gjengset Show Notes: Plangora Hosts: Allen Wyma