To grant a heritage designation or not grant a heritage designation, The fairness of criticizing the Supreme Court of Canada & Why do some cancelled celebrities get second chances but not others?

Scott Radley Show

19-06-2024 • 42 mins

Should the City of Hamilton give the current location of Philpott Memorial Church a heritage designation? What would happen if they don't grant the designation? Are additional supports provided if it does get designated? Guest: John Best, Publisher, The Bay Observer - Is it fair for people to criticize the Supreme Court of Canada if they haven't read everything from the Supreme Court pertaining to their criticism? Guest: Jeff Manishen, Criminal Lawyer, Ross & McBride; Former Crown Attorney - When does a celebrity who's been cancelled get a second chance? Should they ever get one? Why some but not others? Guest: Elissa Freeman, Communications Strategist, PR & Pop Culture Expert

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