#28 You CAN do all the things, but not at the same time!

In Kinship - for makers who crave a vibrant life

28-12-2023 • 47 mins

In this episode, I talk about that space between.  Like the time between Christmas and New Year’s or the space between the end of one way of living and the beginning of another and how that space, that pause, can be beautiful and uncomfortable at the same time.

I also share about our move and where we are now physically and emotionally.  And about having a great deal of grace with ourselves.

And did I manifest a SLLLOOOOWWW electric hookup?
It’s a good question.

I also share my thoughts for sewing workshops in the new year, my guest appearance on the Sew and So podcast, a new online show I’m putting together, and in mid-January a free workshop to create our intentions for a Vibrant Year!

And finally…I have decided to ground myself back into my making by taking a course on custom sewing!

Sometimes being a beginner again is just what we need to settle back into the next layer of our artistry!    I am signed up for Brooks Ann Camper’s Skirt Skills (doors open Dec 30th and class starts January 10th) and I am excited to start it with fresh eyes and see where her methods take me!   Want to join me?  See all the details here.

Take a listen!
