The Power of Now What? - Overcoming Awakening Problems

Corin Bryant This is a series of podcasts on overcoming the various challenges presented when on the spiritual path, engaged in a meditative discipline and even post-enlightenment itself. How to live in the world when staying fully present and established in the awakened state? I take an upbeat and humorous look at some of the issues that arise and with some grace hopefully help you to solve them. read less
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The Power Of Now What? Overcoming Awakening Problems Ep. 20 - How To Heal From Childhood Trauma
The Power Of Now What? Overcoming Awakening Problems Ep. 20 - How To Heal From Childhood Trauma
Link to my YouTube: *Just a warning straight out of the gate, this episode covers themes and areas some listeners may find unsettling* Healing the inner child is the most powerful way to recover from pain in the present moment. The inner child is the still present entity that is a collection of every experience that was left unresolved from childhood, naturally some of these experiences were painful. On the spiritual path we may sometimes find these concepts keep hitting paradoxes, how to be fully present when the past was so very painful? Does the concept of 'inner child work' and 'healing from trauma' work with the spiritual path? In this talk I dive feet first into this subject, I speak about my own experiences of severe anxiety attacks as a child that were unrecognised, dismissed and invalidated and the inevitable consequences this had for me as an adult, suffering through these attacks without support left me a form of PTSD that has required extensive work to recover from, a process I have found even harder than my recovery from addiction and my weight loss journey combined. I have often asked myself which I should focus on in my recovery, the more traditional talking therapy approach or the deepest spiritual teachings, in the end I found they are not at odds with each other at all. Although occasionally contradictory, they absolutely can be practised and worked through together. I delve into the mire of the healing process and I very much hope I can offer some solace, comfort and words of encouragement for those of you enduring this difficult process. This marks the end of Series 1 of this Podcast I will be taking a brief hiatus to rest, reset and recover before going weapons hot again. Please remember to follow me on YouTube for more of my content as I'll still be updating there regularly. Thank you so much for listening Take care Be well Stay present
The Power Of Now What? Overcoming Awakening Problems Ep.17 - Motivation! (What's the point of doing anything once you become awakened?)
The Power Of Now What? Overcoming Awakening Problems Ep.17 - Motivation! (What's the point of doing anything once you become awakened?)
It's a common criticism of spirituality and awakening that if you really found that peace and happiness are available to you at all times regardless of the circumstances, that it would be inevitable one's motivation to achieve life goals will be diminshed or even disappear. While it is true that many people find that the more peaceful and happy they become through meditation and spiritual practice the more content they are with what they have and no longer seek the things they used to seek. Sometimes this results in some inner resistance in the form of a worry that you'll 'drop out' or 'give up' on life. As usual the opposite is true, you become more motivated to achieve the goals that align with your true self, your loving, wise and compassionate heartfelt motivations come to the surface. Often these true life goals stand in direct contrast to the goals you thought you had. After all, what is the purpose of these goals in the first place if not to create happiness for yourself and others? Perhaps a different way of looking at life is needed first before setting out on any task. The game must be worth the candle in any event. In this episode I discuss conventional motivational techniques that helped facilitate my transformation with weight loss, addiction recovery, professional life and mental health, I also discuss the curious paradox of the spiritual path as it relates to achieving life goals. In a strange twist of fate, the less I attached happiness to the outcome of my goals, the more I found I achieved my goals naturally. As usual, there is no real problem here, just the objection and resistance of the mind-created egoic self. All is well. Take care Be well Stay present.