The Advisor Solutions Podcast EP 103- The Valued Advisor

The Advisor Solutions Podcast

07-05-2024 • 39 mins

Do you know your value? Sure, you might say that your value is your expertise or your product knowledge and how your products and services can help prospects and clients. But isn’t that what everyone would say about their value?

Most financial advisors, insurance agents, wholesalers, branch managers, and even agency managers don’t understand their real value or how to express it to others! The reason is that they have never really viewed the topic of their value as something that they need to understand fully. The importance of knowing your value and articulating it to clients and prospects is to convey confidence in using your services over using someone else!

Have you ever heard the saying, “Price is what you pay, value is what you get!”?

Do you know who said that? It was Warren Buffet! Ad, what he was talking about was buying stock. What I’m talking about is helping you become known as a valued advisor.

This episode shares how successful advisors and agents should know their value, show it, and communicate it!