On Health

Aviva Romm

From the stuff your mother never told you, to the stuff your doctor never learned, On Health features taboo-busting conversations that demystify and de-stigmatize our bodies, all while bridging the gap between conventional medicine and wellness. Join Yale-trained MD & midwife Aviva Romm and her line-up of expert guests as they discuss everything from periods to menopause, sex to reproductive health politics, and motherhood to mental health. Each week, Dr. Romm will be exploring the science and wisdom of how our bodies work, what makes us well, what gets in the way, and how we can live our best lives on our terms, authentically and bravely. You can expect to learn more about topics such as women's brain health, cesareans, microbiome seeding, women’s sexual health, and much more. Plus, you'll get Aviva’s musings, tips, and guidance from 35+ years of helping women take back their health—and their lives. The new medicine for women is here! read less
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This is So Awkward: Supporting Teens through the ‘New Puberty’
This is So Awkward: Supporting Teens through the ‘New Puberty’
Of all the stages in life, most women tell me they’d least want to revisit—it's puberty. If you're reading this, you survived it too. And while you likely have some fond memories, you also remember the awkward body changes, the anxiety of getting your mom to buy pads or tampons to avoid the dreaded checkout counter, the stress around your emerging—or non-emerging—breasts, acne, and the confusing wave of new feelings that came with your growing sexual awareness.Our teens today are facing a different kind of puberty—a reality that’s markedly different from what we experienced. While they have more access to information and resources than we did, puberty itself has changed in significant ways. There are new gaps between what we as parents—and even many doctors—know and what our kids are going through. From earlier onset of puberty, which now often starts as young as eight, to prolonged puberty stages and earlier exposure to explicit content online, it’s a whole new world for our children.Understanding these shifts is crucial for guiding your child through this delicate time.In the latest episode of On Health, I’m joined by two incredible experts who are deeply immersed in these changes. Vanessa Kroll Bennett, a puberty expert, writer, and entrepreneur, and Dr. Cara Natterson, a pediatrician and the mind behind the New York Times bestselling series The Care and Keeping of You, bring their expertise and warmth to our conversation. Both are moms of teens themselves and co-hosts of The Puberty Podcast. Their new book, This is So Awkward, is a phenomenal guide to understanding the landscape of modern puberty so you can better support your child through this vulnerable and often tumultuous time.In our discussion, we explore key aspects of modern puberty and how you can support your tween or teen:The New Puberty: Why puberty is lasting longer than ever - and how this might impact your daughters - and you, too! The Role of Social Media: How to balance allowing your child to connect with the world while protecting them from the darker sides of online life.Mental Health: Differentiating between normal teenage mood swings and more serious mental health concerns.Building Resilience: Empowering your child to handle the social and sexual pressures they’re facing at increasingly younger ages.Un-Shaming Conversations: Creating a safe space for open, honest talks about body changes, sexuality, and all the things that used to make us blush.Your kid isn't the only one going through puberty: Your kid’s puberty - it's hard on you, too! We talk about how move through it with grace - while not internalizing it when they say they hate you! These insights are more than just tips—they’re lifelines for helping your child navigate this critical stage of development with confidence and resilience.I invite you to listen to this episode—click here to tune in. Let’s make sure we’re raising the next generation with the information and support they need. And if you find this conversation valuable, please share it with a friend, leave a review, and join the conversation online using #OnHealth. Your stories, your questions, and your experiences make our community stronger.Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
At Least You Have a Healthy Baby: The Hidden Epidemic of Birth Trauma in the US
At Least You Have a Healthy Baby: The Hidden Epidemic of Birth Trauma in the US
Despite advancements in medical technology and a growing awareness of maternal health, the emotional and psychological experiences of birthing mothers in the US often go unnoticed. In this eye-opening episode, Aviva Romm, an experienced midwife and MD, delves into a topic that is often overlooked and misunderstood—birth trauma. Aviva shares her personal birth story, other birth stories, and draws from decades of experience to explore the hidden epidemic of birth trauma that is affecting an alarming number of women.In this episode Dr. Aviva discusses:Birth trauma: what it is, how it manifests, and why it’s more common than you might thinkThe profound impact of birth trauma on maternal mental healthReal stories from women who have experienced trauma during labor and birth, highlighting the emotional and mental impact that can linger long after the baby is born.The surprising central factor most women report as the cause of birth trauma: medical mistreatment and lack of informed consent and communication..The critical importance of centering the mother’s well-being in the birthing process for the mother, the baby, and the familyThe actionable steps that can be taken by both healthcare providers and loved ones to support mothers before, during, and after birth to prevent trauma and promote healing.Why This Episode Matters:Birth is one of the most significant events in a woman’s life, yet the emotional and psychological well-being of mothers often takes a back seat to physical outcomes. By bringing this issue to the forefront, Dr. Romm aims to empower women, educate healthcare professionals, and spark a much-needed conversation about the importance of “matrifocal: maternal health care.Tune in to the full episode to understand the true impact of birth trauma and what we can do to support the emotional and psychological well-being of mothers.Share Your Story: Have you or someone you know experienced birth trauma? Please join the conversation on Dr. Aviva’s  Instagram @dr.avivaromm and use #HealingBirthTrauma.Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplementsMentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
Unplugging from the Attention Economy and Reclaiming Your Time with Jenny Odell
Unplugging from the Attention Economy and Reclaiming Your Time with Jenny Odell
If you find yourself feeling chronically overwhelmed, with a to-do list you can’t ever get to the bottom of, and a nagging feeling that you’re never quite doing enough, this episode is for you. Joining me is Jenny Odell, the acclaimed author of zthe books How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy and Saving Time: Discovering a Life Beyond Productivity Culture. An artist and educator based in Oakland, California, Jenny’s work shines a light on how we can reclaim our attention in an increasingly digital world, while escaping from the clutches of productivity culture.  I also share my personal story of how a recent vacation followed by COVID has caused me to rethink my own attention economy - and how this has been shifting my nervous system - and perspectives - on ‘what’s enough.”Join us as we explore insights on the importance of rest, reflection, and mindful living as part of taking back our lives, power, and mental well-being including: What the attention economy is and how it’s impacting our mental well-beingThe compare and despair impact of social media on women’s healthThe misconception of "doing nothing" and its true meaning.The anxiety and irritability that comes from constantly racing the clockChronodiversity and the power of nature for expanding timeStrategies for reclaiming our attention by focusing on what truly matters.The importance of rest and reflection in maintaining overall well-being.Practical tips for incorporating mindful practices into daily life.How to start making small changes toward a more intentional and fulfilling life.Resources Mentioned:More from Jenny Odell:How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy Saving Time: Discovering a Life Beyond Productivity CultureJenny's websiteThe Adrenal Thyroid Revolution : Dr. Aviva’s book on taking back your health - while nourishing your adrenals and supporting your thyroidLooking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplementsMentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here:...
On Alcohol and Women's Health: From Fertility thru Menopause
On Alcohol and Women's Health: From Fertility thru Menopause
Welcome to the second half of our alcohol miniseries! In part one, I focused on how alcohol metabolizes differently in women than men and how this increases women's alcohol-related health risks. I also talked about how alcohol can effect puberty, our hormones, and menstrual cycles. If you haven’t already listened, it's a perfect prequel to today's episode, where I talk about how alcohol may impact fertility, PCOS, endometriosis, menopause, and breast cancer, giving you food for thought on whether and if so how much drinking is okay for YOU, and also tools for smarter alcohol intake. You’ll walk away from series feeling empowered and equipped with the tools and information necessary to approach alcohol in a way that best matches your lifestyle. In this episode, I dish on: How alcohol may impact fertility and how to approach drinking while trying to conceive How inflammation caused by alcohol consumption can enhance symptoms of PCOS and endometriosis The role of alcohol in menopause, hot flashes, and sleep struggles Alcohol and breast cancer: risks, susceptibility, genetics, and more How alcohol may impact methylation and DNA The top tips for drinking in a way that mitigates the risks of alcohol, while still being able to enjoy light intake should you want to Whether you're trying to conceive, are currently pregnant, going through menopause, struggling with PCOS or endometriosis, or simply want to learn more about the potential long-term effects of alcohol on your health, - even just light drinking - this series as a must-refer-back-to one for various cycles of your life. So listen, save and share it! Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to avivaromm.com to join the conversation. Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
On Women, Alcohol, Our Hormones and Menstrual Cycles
On Women, Alcohol, Our Hormones and Menstrual Cycles
Alcohol. It's the kind of frenemy that many women have a love-hate relationship with. It may make us feel good in the moment—relaxed, more social, less anxious—but many women find that after a drink or several, they’re moody, irritable, don’t sleep as well, and feel overall kind of not-so-great. Are there reasons for this that are unique to women? And can alcohol have hidden effects on our estrogen? Progesterone? Menstrual cycles? What about your gut? Circadian rhythm? Thyroid?  That’s exactly what we’ll explore together in this two part series on women, alcohol, and our hormones. Whether you’re having a dry July 4th or just hitting the brakes a little now, what better time of year is there to do a little self-check-in on this anyway? It can be a perfect time to revaluate your relationship with alcohol altogether.  We’ll be diving straight into the research and discussing the direct impact alcohol has on women’s hormonal and long-term health, so you can make the most informed decisions when it comes to alcohol consumption that best fit your lifestyle. In the first of this two part series on women, alcohol, and our hormones, we'll deep dive into... Why we need to know how much a "drink" really is in terms of alcohol content The differences between how men and women metabolize alcohol and why this is so important The differences between light, moderate, heavy, and binge drinking and why it matters How your personal background can play a role in the way you react to alcohol The truth about red wine consumption and the French Paradox  The dynamic between alcohol, inflammation, leaky gut, blood sugar, and thyroid health How alcohol impacts estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and our menstrual cycles This episode will give you food for thought and some important information to consider as you intentionally reflect on whether and how much to include alcohol in your lifestyle with zero judgment. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to avivaromm.com to join the conversation. Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplementsMentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
Rediscovering Intimacy and Pleasure with Emily Nagoski
Rediscovering Intimacy and Pleasure with Emily Nagoski
I’m so excited to share an encore interview with the brilliant, hilarious, and incredibly insightful Emily Nagoski, author of Come As You Are, Come Together, and Burnout (co-written with her sister). Emily is a renowned sex educator who brings a blend of scientific rigor and relatable storytelling to the conversation about women's sexual health and pleasure. Get ready for a foxy (you’ll have to listen to hear why this is literally true!)conversation full of laughter, wisdom, and relatable experiences. Today we talk about her latest book: Come Together (she does come up the most perfect titles!). Note we talk about SEX and get real. So perhaps not an episode with littles in the car unless you want to do a lot of explaining while you listen. In this episode we dive deep into:High Expectations and Reality Checks: Emily shares the unexpected challenges of writing Come As You Are and the personal journey that inspired Come Together. Discover how stress and exhaustion can impact desire, even for a sex educator.The Emotional Floor Plan: Learn about the emotional floor plan concept that Emily developed to understand her journey from stress to pleasure. This framework is a game-changer for navigating intimacy in long-term relationships.Say the Words: Emily and Aviva discuss the importance of desensitizing yourself to sexual language. Get ready to laugh and learn as they share exercises for getting comfortable talking about sex - starting with getting comfortable talking about body parts. The Patriarchy and Pleasure: Emily dives into the complex impact of the patriarchy on sexual relationships. Discover how societal norms and expectations shape our desires and how to break free from them.Unleashing Your Inner Wild: Aviva and Emily explore how women can reconnect with their deep feminine energy and inner wise woman. Learn about the power of rewilding and embracing your authentic self.Navigating Change: Practical tips for couples on how to navigate change and maintain a strong sexual connection. From creating safe conversations to understanding each other’s needs, this segment is packed with actionable advice.The Four Questions: Emily shares four essential questions to help couples understand and improve their sexual relationship. These questions are a roadmap to deeper connection and pleasure.The Power of Love: Emily’s profound realization about the impermanence of life and the importance of kindness, compassion, and play in relationships. Aviva reflects on her own 40-year marriage and the lessons she’s learned.We hope this episode helps you feel seen, heard, and empowered. If you enjoy it - and On Health in general - please share this with a friend and leave a rating and review on your favorite podcast platform. Don’t forget to follow the podcast to be notified of new episodes on the regular.Resources Mentioned:Emily Nagoski’s books: Come As You Are, Come Together, and Burnout (co-written with her sister).Aviva Romm’s courses and blog: AvivaRomm.comLooking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplementsMentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in...
Seeing Life Through an Herbalist’s Lens with Olivia Amitrano
Seeing Life Through an Herbalist’s Lens with Olivia Amitrano
In this fresh and delightful episode I sit down with Olivia Amitrano,  herbalist, host of the popular What’s the Juice podcast and founder of Organic Olivia, a successful botanical medicines company. Olivia opens up about her transformative journey through herbalism, personal growth, and the essential practice of honest self-reflection on the relationships in our lives and our relationship to ourselves. We dive deep into Olivia’s:First encounters with plants and how this sparked her enduring passion for herbal medicine.Insights on the art of noticing and the power of forming deep, meaningful relationships with the natural world.Exploration of how our health is intricately influenced by our relationships and environments.Personal experiences with codependency, the importance of establishing boundaries, and the journey of self-discovery and the courage it takes to face uncomfortable truths.Revelation that deeper personal changes were needed beyond herbs and foods to heal not just her insulin resistance, but her resistance to making changes in her habits.Realizations about the effects of substances like caffeine and cannabis on her health and well-being.Unique practice of hosting internal funerals to release habits and relationships that no longer serve her.Engagement with "parts" work and internal family systems therapy to understand and heal different facets of herself.Olivia and I share insights about: The use of herbs in dreamwork and their subtle, yet profound, influence on the psyche. How slowing down and allowing plants to guide us can lead to profound personal growth.The intersection of mindfulness and self-compassion in achieving true well-being beyond herbs and foods.Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplementsMentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
Breaking the Taboo Around Pregnancy Loss with Chelsea Leyland
Breaking the Taboo Around Pregnancy Loss with Chelsea Leyland
Trigger Warning: This episode contains sensitive topics related to pregnancy loss and fertility challenges. Listener discretion is advised.In this deeply personal and powerful episode of "On Health," I sit down with Chelsea Leyland, a globetrotting DJ, mother, epilepsy and endometriosis activist, documentary filmmaker, and menstrual health entrepreneur. Chelsea shares her journey through endometriosis, pregnancy loss, and becoming a mother and the importance of breaking the silence around these common issues so we can get the support we need - and so we can support each other with compassion and understanding.  We dive deep into Chelsea’s… Long struggle with endometriosis – and her path to finally receiving a correct diagnosis.Challenges finding effective treatments - and what finally helped relieve both seizure and endometriosis symptoms. Pregnancy losses and the importance of open dialogue rather than taboo and silence. Emotional journey following her miscarriages, the steps she took to honor her losses, and how she found the courage to try again.Decision to speak publicly about her experiences with endometriosis and pregnancy loss and why she believes it's crucial to reduce stigma.Heartfelt words of wisdom for women currently grieving a pregnancy loss or struggling with infertility.Daily wellness routines that are essential for managing her chronic conditions while also balancing motherhood - and how she deals with ‘s#it days.’The power of community and shared experiences in healing and empowerment.Chelsea's advice to her younger self and thoughts on resilience and hope.Thank you for tuning into On Health for Women. Remember, you are not alone on your journey, and a supportive community is here for you. Please connect with me on social media. Your stories matter and can provide comfort and support to others, too.And don't miss an episode! Subscribe to "On Health" on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform. Follow Dr. Aviva on Instagram.Mentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
Ending Obstetric Fistula: A Journey of Hope and Resilience with Bonnie Ruder
Ending Obstetric Fistula: A Journey of Hope and Resilience with Bonnie Ruder
"I think one of the most important things about fistula is that it is completely preventable and treatable. So this is a solvable problem. We used to have this problem here in the US and now we don't." – Bonnie RuderObstetric fistula affects around 2 million women globally, with 50,000 to 100,000 new cases each year. This devastating, yet entirely preventable condition profoundly impacts women's lives, causing chronic infections, incontinence, and severe social ostracism and isolation.In this powerful new episode, I’m joined by Bonnie Ruder, midwife, medical anthropologist, and co-founder of Terrewode Women's Fund. Together, we explore the: The definition and causes of obstetric fistula - and why this should never happen to any woman, anywhere in the world The nefarious history of obstetric fistula surgery on enslaved women in the United StatesThe medical, personal, and social impacts of fistula on women's lives — and their incredible resilienceBonnie's journey from home birth midwife to fistula activistHolistic treatment approaches: medical care, social reintegration, and economic empowermentEfforts to prevent fistula through better access to maternal healthcare  and the role of traditional birth attendants in fistula preventionTune into this heart-wrenching yet inspiring episode to learn more about the impact of obstetric fistula and the incredible work being done to confront it.Terrewode Women’s Fund's mission to end obstetric fistula in Uganda are truly inspiring. 🌍 To learn more and support the work of Terrewode: 🔗 Website: terrewodewomensfund.org📸 Instagram: @terrewodewomensfundMentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
Why Metabolic Health Matters and How to Improve it with Casey Means
Why Metabolic Health Matters and How to Improve it with Casey Means
"What if your body had a greater ability to heal than you were ever led to believe?" - This question not only challenges conventional health beliefs but also underpins the empowering message that infuse today's discussion.Welcome to this - literally - energy packed new episode of "On Health," where I’m joined by Dr. Casey Means, a Stanford-trained physician and the author of "Good Energy." Once on the path to becoming an ENT surgeon, Dr. Means experienced a personal health revelation that steered her towards a deep dive into metabolic health, ultimately leading to her leaving conventional medicine. Today, she’s a leading voice in proactive health practices and metabolic optimization, sharing her expertise to help others ignite their best health.About Dr. Casey Means:Dr. Casey Means is a Stanford-trained physician and a pioneer in the field of metabolic health. After leaving her surgical residency, she co-founded a health technology company focused on personalized nutrition and lifestyle optimization. She's an advocate for a holistic approach to health that emphasizes the role of diet, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices in improving metabolic function and overall well-being. Her upcoming book, "Good Energy," explores these themes in detail. Connect with Dr. Means through her website and on Instagram.In This Episode We Explore:Life Shift: Discover why Dr. Means transitioned from a surgical career to focusing on metabolic health.Metabolism 2.0: Why metabolism is the mother of root causes - and why it's crucial to your health.The Powerhouses of Your Cells: Learn how environmental exposures and a SAD diet are harming our mitochondrial health - and how you can boost your mitochondrial function. (And learn a fun fact about the matrilineal nature of mitochondria).Lab Tests for Metabolism: Casey and I share the essential lab tests we recommend for monitoring metabolic health.Nutritional Guidance: Get practical tips on what to eat and what to avoid — to optimize your metabolic health every day - and how it’s easier than you might think.Nature and Health: Explore how reconnecting with nature - and our innate feminine bu tuning into your body's natural rhythms— can enhance your metabolic health.The Sickness Industry of Medicine: We discuss the backend healthcare incentives to keep us sick rather than help us be well!Casey’s top meal picks for protein rich, nutrient dense breakfasts, lunches, and dinners - that you can prepare in 5 to 30 minutes!Don’t miss this episode filled with actionable insights that could redefine what you thought was possible for your health. Tune in to learn how you can harness your "Good Energy" for a life of vitality and optimal health.Mentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
[Replay] The Hidden Motherhood Struggle with Catherine Birndorf and Paige Bellenbaum
[Replay] The Hidden Motherhood Struggle with Catherine Birndorf and Paige Bellenbaum
In recognition of Maternal Mental Health Month I am re-sharing this 2023 conversation with the founders of The Motherhood Center in NYC. With Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADS) being the #1 complication associated with birth in the US and the #2 cause of maternal mortality, this remains a critical conversation.________________It’s not just you. You're not crazy. You're not a bad mom. You're not alone. These are words and deep beliefs that resonate through and form the backbone of today’s guests, Catherine Birndorf, MD, and Paige Bellenbaum, LMSW. Catherine and Paige are dedicated to changing the perinatal mental health terrain, and they do it through The Motherhood Center, a place of radical acceptance, nurturance, and individual and group support. On today’s episode, we pull back the curtain on motherhood and redefine what is considered "normal" and "typical". With PMADs (perinatal mood and anxiety disorders) being the #1 complication associated with birth and the #2 cause of maternal mortality, this is a critical conversation. On today’s episode, we unpack why it’s so important that we talk more about these conditions, how to do your best to prevent PMADs, and what to do if you or someone you love has symptoms. Aviva, Paige, and Catherine discuss: The definition of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADS) and the different diagnoses that fall under the PMAD umbrella What PMAD taboos still exist today, why this needs to change, and how Roe v. Wade affects these taboos Paige and Catherine’s personal stories with perinatal mood disorders and what brought them to the point of specializing in PMADS and opening the motherhood center The kinds of physical and psychological feelings and symptoms associated with PMADs and signs birthing people and their providers should watch out for Why we need to move in the direction of making it mandatory for OB-GYNs, midwives, pediatricians, and any providers who come in contact with newer expecting mothers to begin educating their patients about PMADS and screening for symptoms  The effects of the pandemic, social isolation, and potential cultural contributors on PMADS  The role of medication and psychotherapy in treating conditions For more information or to reach out visit themotherhoodcenter.com or call (212) 335-0034. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to avivaromm.com to join the conversation. Mentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
[Replay] Adaptogens & Burnout
[Replay] Adaptogens & Burnout
I've been wanting to share this episode with you for awhile, so I finally dusted off the archives and here it is. The sound quality is not as sharp as our more recent episodes - our production values have definitely improved - but I'm certain you'll find it timely and useful.Despite increased attention on the dangers of burnout, recent surveys report that a majority of the population across many countries report feeling burned out. This epidemic of overwhelm has a profound impact, especially on women.In this episode, we dive into the world of adaptogens, remarkable herbs that help prevent and reverse the effects of stress and burnout. Discover how they work and which ones are best suited if you’re feeling overwhelmed.What you will learn:The physical and mental symptoms of burnoutHistorical background of adaptogensThe role of adaptogens in regulating stress responses and supporting adrenal healthHow adaptogens can be used to enhance physical health and mental well-being.Choosing the right adaptogens Detailed profiles of calming and nourishing adaptogensUnderstanding dosages and potential interactions of adaptogensAdaptogens offer a powerful way to manage stress and recover from burnout, but they should be part of an integrative approach to health that includes proper self-care, nutrition, and rest. Tune in to learn how to harness the healing power of adaptogens to refill your energy reserves and enhance your life.For the accompanying article go to https://avivaromm.com/adaptogens-burnout/If you'd like to receive a copy of my free ebook, Adaptogens: Herbs for 21st Century Stress, go here.Mentioned in this episode:The Mama Pathway is not your average childbirth education program. It's a powerful virtual membership community and online education experience where traditional midwifery wisdom and modern medicine meet to support you on your most empowered path through pregnancy, birth, and beyond. Go to https://avivaromm.com/mama-pathway to learn moreLooking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
Demystifying Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in Menopause with Sharon Malone
Demystifying Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in Menopause with Sharon Malone
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Should you use it for your perimenopause or menopause symptoms? Does it prevent dementia? Heart disease? Is it safe? Who should and who shou;dn’t take it? Join me for this powerful conversation with Dr. Sharon Malone, an OB-GYN with 30 years of clinical experience - and an advocate for menopause awareness, and I explore these questions. In this episode we unpack: Rethinking aging and embracing the power of menopause - and why Dr. Malone has found this to be the most freeing and joyful phase of her lifeThe controversies surrounding hormone replacement therapy, and the research that led to all of the confusion about its use.The "window of opportunity" for starting HRT, who gets the most benefits, and what symptoms and conditions it’s truly useful for. Navigating the potential risks of HRT, including the comparable risks of drinking two glasses of wine - so you can make the most informed decisions about your options The difference between being pro-hormone and anti-suffering for women in menopauseWhy it’s important to be wary when it comes to ‘celebrity endorsed’  information on menopausal therapiesDr. Malone offers invaluable advice on navigating the symptoms of menopause with grace, while empowering you with the knowledge and confidence to make the best health decisions for during the menopause transition.Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplementsMentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
The Wisdom of the Menopause Brain with Lisa Mosconi
The Wisdom of the Menopause Brain with Lisa Mosconi
In this must-listen episode I'm thrilled to welcome Dr. Lisa Mosconi, a leading neuroscientist and author of The Menopause Brain,  and my friend, back to On Health to demystify the profound impact of menopause on the female brain. Dr. Mosconi offers invaluable insights into how menopause is more than a hormonal shift - it's a significant neuroendocrine change, and a potentially very important and powerful time in our lives. We dive deep into:How perimenopause and menopause really impacts the female brain - including the role of estrogen during this timeCommon cognitive symptoms of perimenopause and menopause including brain fog, sleep problems, and memory lapsesWhy it might be that women in cultures that see menopause more positively have fewer symptomsThe powerful role 'older women' can play as leaders, providers, and guides in families, communities, and societyThe pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), including it’s role in Alzheimer’s preventionThe supportive role of nutrients, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids for women's brain healthThe importance of access to a wide variety of options so that we can pick what's best for us in feeling our best in menopause.Knowledge is power. Understanding menopause's impact on the brain allows us to make informed choices, turning a phase often approached with dread into an opportunity for empowerment and well-being. Join us to transform how you think about menopause and prioritize your brain health through this pivotal time - whatever age you are - because it’s never too early to start protecting your beautiful brain! Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplementsMentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
The Emotional Lives of Teenagers with Lisa Damour
The Emotional Lives of Teenagers with Lisa Damour
The teen years are a trope and a meme in our culture. We’re inevitably warned the minute we have a baby and admire her cute little face at a family gathering, in a restaurant, waiting in the checkout at the grocery: Just wait until she’s - or he’s -  a teen. And it’s no wonder - the teen years - which we all remember too - are fraught with big changes: big hormonal shifts, changes in our neurobiology, changes in how we see our place in the world, changes in how we see our parents. It’s complicated. And it’s become more complicated - for both teens and their parents- in recent years. If you read the news, and certainly if you’re a parent, you can’t have missed the many headlines that have come out in recent years, from the impact of social media on our daughters,  the impact of lockdown during COVID on our teen's mental health, and complicated issues around gender and identity. My guest, Dr. Lisa Damour, is here to help us unpack the mystery of teenagers and to support parents of teens. This is a must listen even if you still just have a babe in arms, or if you’re a grandparent, auntie, or healthcare provider. Mentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplementsThe Mama Pathway is not your average childbirth education program. It's a powerful virtual membership community and online education experience where traditional midwifery wisdom and modern medicine meet to support you on your most empowered path through pregnancy, birth, and beyond. Go to https://avivaromm.com/mama-pathway to learn more
Stress in Pregnancy: How Much Should You Stress About It
Stress in Pregnancy: How Much Should You Stress About It
Welcome to On Health where today I talk about understanding stress during pregnancy, bust myths, and share real tips to take care of yourself before and when the stress hits the fan.In this episode I explore: The impact of how we talk about stress in pregnancy and its effects on moms-to-be onWhy it's important to understand stress during pregnancyThe pressure to always feel happy when you're pregnant and the guilt unrealistic expectations cause pregnant women to feelWhat stress really is, including the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ kindsWhy some stress is normal during pregnancy - and why you're not doing anything wrongWhat studies say about stress and how it can affect your pregnancy and your babyThe most common causes of stress in pregnancySpotting stress signs and trying out stress-busters like meditation or yogaThe importance of sleep, staying active, eating well, and finding folks to talk toHow talking to your midwife, doctor, or a mental health pro can be a big help- and what they need to know, tooWhy you’re taking care of you is taking care of your baby tooThank you for listening to the On Health Podcast. And please remember to treat yourself with kindness and love through your pregnancy journey - and beyond, and share this with a mama who you think would appreciate hearing this today.Mentioned in this episode:The Mama Pathway is not your average childbirth education program. It's a powerful virtual membership community and online education experience where traditional midwifery wisdom and modern medicine meet to support you on your most empowered path through pregnancy, birth, and beyond. Go to https://avivaromm.com/mama-pathway to learn moreLooking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
Beyond Gaslighting and Narcissism: Finding Yourself to Find Love with Jillian Turecki
Beyond Gaslighting and Narcissism: Finding Yourself to Find Love with Jillian Turecki
Jillian Turecki, my guest for this On Health episode, is a beacon of light and a font of love and wisdom. A certified relationship coach, teacher, and writer with over 20 years of experience, she's fueled by an insatiable curiosity about what makes a relationship thrive, and she's helped thousands through her teaching and writing revolutionize their relationship with themselves so they can transform their relationships with others.In this episode Jillian and I get real about what it takes to have a thriving relationship, how this starts with loving ourselves, and also how important is that we normalize being single.- because that's a path many women are on, at least at some point in their live and love journey.We dive deep into so many areas of our love lives including:Trusting yourself and listen to your inner voice in relationships.Normalizing being single and focus on other areas of your life.Self-acceptance and self-worth as foundations of healthy relationships.How to be discerning and recognize relationship red flags.Mindfulness, tolerance, and appreciation in relationships.Avoiding overanalyzing our partners.How to get intentional in relationships - including having regular relationship meetings to improve the partnership.Creating breathing room to allow for individual growthHow breakups and divorces can be transformative experiences that lead to personal growth and new opportunities.Following your own dreams and prioritizing your own growth as essential in relationships.Wherever you are on your self-love and love relationship journey, I know you'll find gems of wisdom and practical information to connect more profoundly with yourself and your partner. And you'll find more tools for practicing self-worth.Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. You can follow Jillian on Instagram and visit her at jillianturecki.com Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
Why Women Have More Autoimmune Diseases Than Men
Why Women Have More Autoimmune Diseases Than Men
Fatigue, achy muscles, painful joints, brain fog, strange skin rashes… Could it be the flu? It’s possible. In fact, that’s what women are sometimes told! But these can be symptoms of an autoimmune condition. Autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and Hashimoto’s, to name just a few, have a definite gender bias. Women account for an astonishing 80% of all those who suffer from an autoimmune disease. Yet these are some of the most commonly dismissed, overlooked, and misdiagnosed symptoms and conditions, leaving far too many women to struggle to find answers, for sometimes years.So what is autoimmune disease and why do women experience them so much more often than men? That’s exactly what we’ll explore together in today’s episode. Join me as I tell you all about: What autoimmune disease really isWhy women’s symptoms of autoimmune disease are missed - and dismissedThe root causes of autoimmune disease that disproportionately impact womenThe role of estrogen and other hormones in autoimmune diseasesHow our immune system is impacted by hormonal shifts premenstrually, in pregnancy, postpartum, and menopauseThe wildly interesting role that microchimerism plays in autoimmune disease Listen and learn so you know how to protect your health from these conditions and so that you know how to get the tests, answers, and respect you need from your healthcare provider.Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation.Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
The Power of Growing Older and the Problem with Ageism
The Power of Growing Older and the Problem with Ageism
I’m not going to lie. I was much more prepared for puberty, pregnancy, motherhood, and even menopause than I was for aging. And you all know that’s a big deal to say because we’re largely unprepared for all the other phases of our lives, too. But the reality is, we’re aging from the day we’re born, and much of what we’ve internalized about aging - the fears, judgments, stereotypes - and even ‘symptoms’ if you will - have much more to do with the culture of ageism we’re steeped in from the time we’re little - whether that’s the ‘old hag witch’ in the woods who eats children in fairy tales and movies, to the anti-aging creams that women are already now using in their 20s (and younger) thanks to an industry that instills in us that aging is ugly. My guest, Karen Walrond, is the author of Radiant Rebellion: Reclaim Aging, Practice Joy & Raise a Little Hell, an investigation in how we can resist ageism and live a light-filled life along the way. And - I don’t say this often or lightly - this book has blown my mind. It was exactly the dose of vitality and fire I needed right now - a mind-shift on my own journey - of aging proudly and powerfully while I also navigate all that means in our culture, and in work that puts me front and center on video, in media. I truly believe every women over 20 in our culture should read this book, gift it, share it, talk about it, and then read it again. In this episode Karen and I discuss:The cultural beliefs, stereotypes, and fears that contribute to ageismHow internalized ageism can affect women's self-perception and confidence as they ageHow to challenge ageist language and attitudesEmbracing aging and reclaiming vitality can lead to a more joyful and fulfilling life.The role of the global anti-aging market in perpetuating ageism and sexismVariation in cultures on the perception of elderhoodThe importance of community and intergenerational relationships for well-being and a sense of purpose in the later yearsListening to your body's cravings and embracing guilt-free eatingThe impact of alcohol on health and weight managementHow important it is to appreciate the wisdom and beauty of body changesLet’s listen to the interview. And then, as my guest says, raise a little hell. Or as I’m saying, raise a lot of it! You’ll see what I mean.Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. You can follow Karen on Instagram and visit her at chookooloonks.comLooking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplementsMentioned in this episode:Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements
Why Creating & Setting Boundaries is Essential for Our Health
Why Creating & Setting Boundaries is Essential for Our Health
At some point, too many of us internalized the belief that being a woman means complete self-sacrifice, not setting healthy boundaries for our well-being, and not taking care of our fundamental needs – even for sleep, quality food, and relaxation. Further, as moms, we often take on the lioness's share of the household. As partners, we plan the dates and stay in touch with old friends. At work, we pick up the slack of others without so much as a peep of protest. But here's the thing- often, others don't even notice that we are doing all of this extra work because we haven't set healthy boundaries - with ourselves or with them. We've been taught to be the "good girl" (definitely listen to last week's podcast episode ALL about this topic if you haven't yet) and with this, we also believe that boundaries are rude or selfish.  So we give and give and give - at the expense of our well-being and sometimes at the expense of our own passions and fulfillment. Time for a reframe! Not only is having boundaries not selfish - but we are better givers when we practice conscious boundaries.And that's exactly what I'm talking about in this latest On Health episode. Tune in as I dish out my top tips to get you on your way to a boundary-setting queen! And learn all about why it's truly so important, just in time for the new year ahead and beyond.   In this episode I share: What boundaries are, including the types we may overlook  Why we have trouble setting boundaries How to know whether you need better boundaries in your life Exercises to support you in discovering your highest priorities and how to stick to them The boundary-setting practices to get you started and that really work And more - including my weird style tip that relates to boundaries  I KNOW that many of you will have at least a few "aha" moments and maybe even have some tears of understanding. Listen and become your own boundaries badass!  Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to avivaromm.com to join the conversation. Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: avivaromm.com/supplements