Texas - James Byrd Jr and Jose (Joe) Campos Torres

State of Murder

02-07-2020 • 1 hr 18 mins

We are traveling to the Lone Star State and this week Amber and Celina are sharing two crimes that happened decades ago but seem like they could be ripped straight from news articles today.  Amber shares about the 1998 lynching of James Byrd Jr. a black man who was picked up by three white man while walking home from his parents house early one morning.  His murder would help form Hate Laws and rock a county to its core.  Celina shares the story of Joe Campos Torres a young Latino man, who served his country during  the Vietnam War.  He had big dreams that came crashing down when his path crossed 5 Houston police officers in 1977. Don't forget to check out www.stateofmurder.com after the episode for bonus content!