Becoming Britain’s First Female NFL Coach with Phoebe Schecter | Episode 2

The Bouncebackability Podcast

23-05-2023 • 40 mins

Phoebe Schecter is pioneering the world of American Football, having empowered women in sport by becoming the first British female coach in the NFL. Her bounceback moment was taking a complete 180 away from her comfort zone and moving to the UK. Despite her initial lack of interest in American Football, she seized an opportunity to push her limits and face imposter syndrome head-on. Join us as we discuss the nitty-gritty of being a woman in a male-dominated industry and explore Phoebe’s inspiring journey.

In this episode:

[00:03:35] Building Confidence as a Coach: From Youth teams to NFL

[00:08:49] The Struggle of Winning in Elite Sports

[00:11:11] Overcoming Doubt and Building Confidence

[00:20:27] Don't Let Toxic Environments Hinder Your Growth

[00:24:19] Rookie coaching challenges: A Head Coach's Perspective

[00:29:37] Embrace Your Flaws and Believe in Yourself

[00:35:47] The Importance of Independence and Strength

[00:39:08] Mastering Bounce Back Ability: Expert Tips

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