Passing the Torch: The Nurturing Community

St. John's United Methodist Church - Edwardsville, IL

09-05-2021 • 19 mins

by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, May 9, 2021 Exodus 2:1-10 Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

SERMON NOTES I. Not everything is working in favor of the nurturing community. II. Nurturing community requires a great deal of trust in God. III. Personal compassion can have an impact well beyond helping an individual.   FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - If you had a comfort item (like a blanket or stuffed animal) as a child, what was it? Do you know what became of it? - Where do you see examples of the mighty Pharaoh being made to look like a fool in these stories? Why would the Hebrew people find those stories funny? - When is showing trust to others a way to show trust in God? Can you share an example of that kind of trust in your life? - The ways that the women helped each other in today's stories involved risk for them. What did they risk in their show of courage? - What is a nurturing community that you're a part of? How do you benefit? How do you contribute? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?

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