Deadly: Vanity

St. John's United Methodist Church - Edwardsville, IL

21-02-2021 • 20 mins

by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, February 21, 2021 Luke 19:28-40 Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

SERMON NOTES  I. Vanity won’t let you take the risk. II. Vanity wants the accolade and attention. III. Vanity is concerned about how this makes us look. IV. Modesty is the death of vanity.

FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - Are you giving up or taking on anything for Lent? What is it? - What are risks Christians seem reluctant to take because of how we might be perceived? - Do you think Jesus wanted the parade? Why or why not? - Jesus said, "If my followers are quiet, the stones would shout praise!" How would that shame the Pharisees? What does that mean to you today? - Where do you need to let vanity die and modesty grow in your life? How will you guard yourself against being overly concerned about appearances? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?

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