Passing the Torch: A Double Portion

St. John's United Methodist Church - Edwardsville, IL

30-05-2021 • 20 mins

by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, May 30, 2021 2 Kings 2:5-15 St. John's Worship Website Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

SERMON NOTES  I. The friendships we forge in the faith become an enduring part of our legacy. II. Witnessing true godliness causes us to hunger for a deeper faith in our own lives. III. It’s up to us to take up the cloak. It’s up to God to provide the power.

FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - Has the "Memorial" part of Memorial Day worked into your plans for this long weekend? If so, how? - Read 1 Kings 19:19-21 to learn about how Elisha was called to be a prophet. How is that similar to our calling to follow Jesus? - Who has inspired you to pursue a deeper faith? How might your life be inspiring others towards a deeper faith? - What is a calling God has invited you to pick-up? Do you have worries about taking on that responsibility? - What is one way you can make certain the torch of faith is passed on through your life this week? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?

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