Good Question, Jesus: Why are you afraid?

St. John's United Methodist Church - Edwardsville, IL

21-06-2021 • 20 mins

by Rev. Grant Armstrong Sunday, June 20, 2021 Matthew 8:23-27 St. John's Worship Website Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC

SERMON NOTES I. Jesus cares deeply. He’s just not stressed about it. II. Let Christ’s peace be more contagious than our anxiety. III. Perfect love casts out all fear.   FOR DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION - Tell about a time when you got caught in a bad storm. What were you thinking? What were you feeling? - Look at the scripture that follows this passage in Matthew 8. Why was Jesus crossing the lake? - Imagine if the disciples would have allowed Jesus to sleep instead of waking Him in their fear. What are some possible outcomes to that story? - What are the storms that people face with fear today? Where can Jesus introduce calm into those situations? - Why are you afraid? How can the peace of Jesus counter that fear? - What is God saying to you through today's scripture?

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