THE RAGGED EDGE RADIO ....with Russ Dizdar

16-09-2021 • 1 hr 1 min

https://us15.campaign-archive.com/?u=012a44d6e7986cf7f82de120f&id=b54ff06c77 RAGGED EDGE RADIOThere is no way the world knows the ............dark powers, energy and global work that is going on ENERGEO' Phonetic Spelling: (en-erg-eh'-o) Definition: to be at work, to work, to do Usage: I work, am operative, am at work, am made to work, accomplish; mid: I work, display activity. energéō (from 1722 /en, "engaged in," which intensifies /érgon, "work") – properly, energize, working in a situation which brings it from one stage (point) to the next, like an electrical current energizing a wire, bringing it to a shining light bulb.  SEE HERE TODAY PART # 44 C WHY? SO MUCH PAIN SUFFERING AND DAMAGE THE RAGGED EDGE RADIO LISTEN TO LIVE RADIO MONDAY TO FRIDAY AT 6PM EST WORLDWIDE USE GLOBAL STAR MOBILE APPS  LISTEN ALSO ON  I-PAD & I-PHONE ANDROID & TRUCKERS CB CHANNEL 19 M-F TO LISTEN LIVE AT 6pm EST CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE ON STREAM 3 CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE ON STREAM 5 6pm Eastern Standard Time/click use Global star 3 & 5 media & mobile devices/ or call in to listen by phone  call in 605-4758092 or call in 712-7709418 WTTP FM 101.1 LIMA OHIO    KCCG 106.9 FM Oklahoma   KYAH AM 540 UTAH 12 new AM  stations added through LIBERTYRADIOUSA https://duckduckgo.com/?q=christian+song+of+healing&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dj2W88vWt30A In my office later, she described what she saw. “The manger scene stirred up a memory so terrible I don’t know how I made it home.” She remembered a childhood scene in her mother’s church, similar to the one at her church, but different. She described the event as she saw it in her mind. “I saw a man dressed in a black robe holding a baby above his head. Black-robed people surrounded the man with the baby. After the baby was brought down, the man sprinkled blood from a bowl onto the baby’s forehead. “I tried to look away, but I could feel Jesus’ warmth right next to me. He wants me to see. Mom is there, just staring, but part of this. They put the baby on a table, and a man started drawing an upside down cross on the baby’s chest. I keep hearing the words, ‘I denounce you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.’” Kathy screamed. “That baby was me. How could my mother do this? How could anyone do this?” She wailed for several minutes. The people in the other offices must think I’m hurting her. She kept rubbing her forearms on the front edge of the wooden chair arm. I couldn’t stop her. After she regained her composure, she said, “I question if that was a Satan dedication. Did demons come and go? Whatever. No, that’s what they want me to think.” “Kathy, the true Lord Jesus made it clear you are His child.” “I know, but most of my alters believe they have been dedicated to Satan.” There’s something about Baby. The baby is me. I have to hold the baby. She senses my hesitancy. I’ve heard her crying before. I didn’t know what it was. Baby is badly bruised. I tried to hold the baby, but holding her made me hurt. She is full of pain. Also, I had flashes of water, smothering, weights of people, red brick. I felt overwhelmed. I don’t want the baby to be me. I sense Jesus is asking me to sit with Him and Baby. I must look at her. But she’s distorted.” I gave her a baby doll to rock. She bought it a pretty dress, pale green with tiny pink rosebuds, and she always brought the doll to counseling. It surprised me when I saw her carrying the baby doll through the halls. I think it gave her comfort. “Jean, I feel a spiritual battle over Kay Lynn. Brunson, Jean. What Lies in the Shadows: How Truth Healed a Splintered Mind (pp. 44-45). Best Seller Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.  ------------------------------------------------------------

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