THE RAGGED EDGE RADIO ....with Russ Dizdar

20-09-2021 • 1 hr 1 min

https://mailchi.mp/255067e223f7/preemptor-update-news-and-views-488239?e=76d0c55db1 18“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me [i]to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are [j]oppressed; 19To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” SEE HERE TODAY PART # 44 E WHY? SO MUCH PAIN SUFFERING AND DAMAGE THE RAGGED EDGE RADIO LISTEN TO LIVE RADIO MONDAY TO FRIDAY AT 6PM EST WORLDWIDE USE GLOBAL STAR MOBILE APPS  LISTEN ALSO ON  I-PAD & I-PHONE ANDROID & TRUCKERS CB CHANNEL 19 M-F TO LISTEN LIVE AT 6pm EST CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE ON STREAM 3 CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE ON STREAM 5 6pm Eastern Standard Time/click use Global star 3 & 5 media & mobile devices/ or call in to listen by phone  call in 605-4758092 or call in 712-7709418 WTTP FM 101.1 LIMA OHIO    KCCG 106.9 FM Oklahoma   KYAH AM 540 UTAH 12 new AM  stations added through LIBERTYRADIOUSA ------------------------------------------------------------ https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hands+of+glory&ia=web O Sovereign and Gracious Lord, we ask You for your support for those who are persecuted and suffering for your name’s sake. You have told us that this is our lot in this present evil age. But there are many who are suffering beyond measure–they and their children. You know who they are. We bring them before You for safety, for relief, for comfort, for encouragement, for strength to stand true to You in their trials. Uphold them with your righteous right hand. Comfort, strengthen, encourage, and heal them. Make them to know your approval and sustaining presence. Help them to live graciously forgiving those who persecute them. We come against the evil and misguided groups who violently oppose your people. Remove them as You see fit from the scene. Destroy their powers. Bring peace and institute better governments, policies, and ease the restrictions against Christian gatherings and worship. Grant that the gospel will sound out bright and clear in the midst of such havoc. Come against Satan and his agents who persecute your own. Destroy their schemes and their power. Send your angels to protect your people. May they see your power at work, repent, and turn to You. Thank You for your intervention in Jesus’ name. Amen. Prayer for the Persecuted Church Lord Jesus, many of your people suffer at the hands of governments and false religions. We are not surprised, for You told us that this is our lot in following You. We lift up to You your hurting believers. Comfort, strengthen, encourage, and heal those who suffer for your sake. According to your will, change the hearts of the opposition. May many turn to You. Restrain the rest. Allow changes in laws and treatment of Christians that will allow them to gather and to worship freely. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. Prayer against Witchcraft and Satanism We realize, holy and sovereign Lord, that You have allowed and limit the activities of false religions including witchcraft and Satanism. We pray that You will restrain their activities against your people and your Church. You are building your Church in number and in quality even in the face of the opposition of the unseen world of spirits. Protect your people from the activities, curses, and spells of these enemies. We pray against those who on the day of the full moon, at the new moons, at the equinoxes, and who at their special calendar dates meet to ask wicked spirits to carry on their programs and purposes against your people. Prevent their sacrifices and their prayers from effectiveness and send your angels among them to disrupt their proceedings. Defeat their evil intentions. Show your power to frustrate them. Bring many of them to repentance and come to Christ. Let us see your intervention in their defeat and turn many to You. We pray in the powerful authority of the crucified, risen, and exalted Christ. Amen. Prayer for Peace We know, Father God. that there will be no lasting peace until the Lord Jesus returns to personally reign in righteousness. He will govern with a rod of iron all the nations as a beneficent king. But until that time, be pleased to keep as much peace as pleases You and carries out your plans. Defeat the intentions and acts of terrorism where You please that your people may live in peace and witness to the gospel of peace. We pray especially for the peace of Israel, your chosen people. Protect them and prosper your grace among them. May many come to recognize the Lord Jesus as Messiah and trust Him for their personal and national well being. May your glory be known world wide. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. Conclusion These are but a few suggestions that serve as patterns for your prayer in spiritual warfare. Check out the Psalms for the imprecatory prayers. Psalms 7: 10. and 28 are good examples of praying against the enemy. Learn to incorporate into your times of prayer such prayers as have been written here. You could set aside a special part of the day for serious warfare praying. You might organize groups of believers concerned for these matters to encourage each other and to pray together. You need not cover everything that has been presented in one period of time. You can space it out, but I urge you to give yourself seriously to spiritual warfare praying. Dickason Th. D., C. Fred. Winning the War Through Prayer: Spiritual Warfare Praying . WestBow Press. Kindle Edition.  https://duckduckgo.com/?q=spiritual+warfare+song+dont+tread+on+me&iar=videos&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DvCImmP1xauU

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