Podcast S1.E12: Other Side of A Criminal


10-12-2019 • 0 seconds


CORRECTION: In 06:26, It is NOT Cartoonist Bala but Cartoonist Mathan.

This week podcast is designed as a monologue. Mainly to discuss the issue we are coming across in the media everyday. How to handle a news wisely. It is important to find the views of the other side of the spectrum. We cannot jump into conclusion with single view.

Why crime takes place?
  • Group mentality.
  • Psychology issue.
  • How do you handle issue like this?

How it is manifested?
  • Enforced practice.
  • Situation.
  • Addiction.

Why encounter is not a solution?
  • Cannot find actual issue.
  • Not all the cops are good.
  • Forged evidences.

How media polarizes?
  • Smoking.
  • Need of lawyers.
  • Finding out true criminals.

What will happen because of police outbreak?
  • Justice will not be served.
  • Dictatorship.
  • Revenges and political murders.

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Host: leo.
Language: Tamil.
Cover: Other Side of A Criminal