Q&A- Tzimtzum, Family Member Negiah & Haredi vs Modern Orthodox

Q&A with Rabbi Breitowitz Podcast

03-09-2023 • 1 hr 9 mins

Sponsored in honor of Yeshivas Ohr Somayach & HaRav Breitowitz shlit"a
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0:00 - Can we defeat our enemies before Moshiach?
2:00 - Do my motives/emotions effect my Mitzvos?
6:00 - What are are the major positions on Tzimzum?
10:00 - What to do about ego in davening?
18:00 - In terms of physical contact, what do we do regarding secular female family members?
27:00 - Concerns with the Mitzvah of shofar blowing?
30:00 - How do we approach potential false beliefs in Judaism?
35:00 - Can women take on positions of authority in Judaism?
43:00 - Why is there such a gulf between Haredim and the Modern Orthodox/Dati Leumi?
54:00 - How should we approach discrimination against arabs?
58:00 - Why does the Yeitzer HaRah return old problems to us over and over?
01:02:00 - Which way/sect to go for in Judaism?
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