Let's Get Lifted | A Powerfully Simple Way to Meditate #GMfavorite

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

11-01-2023 • 7 mins

If you lie down, Love will raise you up... you will rise in Love, in Freedom, in Victory.

Try meditating in corpse pose, today.

Try surrendering, today.

Try saying 'yes' to Loving Silence, today.

Stop trying and do, today.

Stop doing and BE, today.

There's a place inside (and out) that's already surrendering, no matter the position the body is in.

There's a place inside (and out) that's already Silent-Love, no matter the state the mind is in.

Be That, today and always.

I Love you,

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Today's Quotes:

"The silence is another way of saying to keep your mind stayed on God all the time.  God is the silence and you are that.  Feel the silence right now.  You can feel it.  It's a thing of beauty.  You know when you're getting into the true silence, you begin to become happier, and happier, and happier for no reason.  It makes no difference what's going on in the world.  The world is in one place and you're in another place.  In the deep silence you are identifying with the substratum of creation.  Always remember to go into the silence.  A sage is always in the silence.  A sage may be talking, listening, partaking of activities, but to the sage there's only silence."
-Robert Adams

"I have never known Truth to fail, never known any 'problem' that didn't vanish, once I was wholly honest with Omnipresent Awareness.  Do not just declare words, as if reciting a formula, but absolutely admit Love is pure, single, unadulterated-- thus unchallenged, unopposed Authority."

"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders."
-Lao Tzu

"Whatever happens, hold onto God's feet without loosening the grip even slightly."

“The only thing that we ever drop is a concept of body.  And as we stepped out of our infant body and our youth body into maturity, so we step out of a mortal sense of body into the spiritual demonstration and realization of body.  And that we can do, and do do here on this plane.  It is not necessary to die or make a transition to experience it.  We have experienced it here and now.  The Master says, “I can lay down my life, I can pick up my life.”[3] And I will tell you that there are others who can step in or out of the mortal concept of body and life at will, here and now.  And it all comes about through attaining the revelation or realization within of true being.”
-Joel Goldsmith

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