197. The Power of Relatability and Filter-Free Influencing with Nicki Marie

Off the Record

18-07-2022 • 1 hr 7 mins

One of the blessings of the modern era of online connectivity is the ability to find a like-minded cohort of whatever you’re going through or interested in, be it a bordering-on-unhealthy obsession with Corgis or a knack for kitchen organization. We all want to belong, and that’s what Nicki Marie delivers in droves. She somehow manages to keep it real all while pulling us into her life. In this conversation, we discuss how her 'come as you are' social media style amassed millions of followers worldwide, what it took to rebuild after a failing marriage in the midst of a pandemic, how Dunkin’ Donuts and Instagram DMs saved Nicki’s life, and the importance of finding people who don’t judge you for who you are.


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