Politics in Relationships | Episode 2

Hey Viv & Stine!

25-11-2020 • 43 mins

Welcome to Hey Viv & Stine! I’m Vivienne and joining me shortly is my co-host Christine. We asked our audience on Instagram what they’d like to hear on our podcast.

And today we talked about politics in relationships. How do you handle different political opinions with a partner, spouse, family member, or a friend? What can you do when it turns into a heated argument?

Side note: While Christine and I tried to remain neutral during this conversation, we do insert our own political opinions at times.

I’d also like to put out a little disclaimer that this podcast is purely for entertainment only. Neither I or Christine are professionals. If you have any questions that you’d like answered by us non-professionals go check out our show notes in this episode for our contact, website, and Instagram info. For now grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, and relax. Enjoy the show!

If you have any questions that you’d like answered by us non-professionals email us at Feed@hellovivie.com and follow us on Instagram @heyVivAndStine or at our personal Instagram accounts: @hello.vivie and @simplystineco.