Legal Marijuana Traps including a Gun Grab: FDR: 253

SJWellFire: Final Days Report

18-06-2023 • 11 mins

Four Marijuana Traps including a Gun Grab The legalization of marijuana has undoubtedly brought significant changes and opportunities to society. However, it is essential to examine both the benefits (like medicine) and major drawbacks associated with this momentous shift. In this blog post, we will delve into some concerns raised by critics, while also considering a biblical perspective on the importance of sobriety. One of the significant concerns expressed by opponents of marijuana legalization is the impact it may have on firearm ownership. In jurisdictions where cannabis is legal, individuals who consume marijuana face restrictions or even a complete prohibition on owning firearms. Critics argue that this infringes upon individual rights and poses challenges for responsible gun owners. According to the ATF, your not allowed to own a gun per the article in Zero Hedge. While the debate on this topic continues, it’s worth reflecting on a scripture that encourages sobriety: “Be s

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