Die Hard Minute Podcast


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Minute 127: This One’s With Me
Minute 127: This One’s With Me
THIS WEEK’S HOSTS: Hal Bryan and Jim O’Kane of The Rocketeer Minute Podcast Guest: Billy Campbell   Behind the gun is Sgt. Al Powell, surprised that he’s overcome his fear of armed conflict. John looks at Karl’s body, then at Al. Holly and John get up off the ground. “All right, the two of you, go up and see if there’s anyone else,” says a police officer to other law enforcement staff. Just then, Argyle busts through a garage  gate with his limo.  Al turns, ready with his pistol to stop further violence. McClane puts his hand on Al’s arm. “This one’s with me,” says John, moving Al’s gun toward the ground.  John wraps his arm around Holly and walk toward Argyle’s limo. Argyle waves at them from the limo. “Mister McClane! Mister McClane!” interrupts Richard Thornburg, who thrusts a microphone in John’s face. “Now that it’s all over, after this incredible ordeal, what are your feelings?” The scene switches to a video view of the confrontation. Holly punches Thornburg in the jaw. Thornburg staggers for a moment and grabs his nose. “Well, well, well,” says McClane to Argyle. “Merry Christmas, Argyle.” Argyle holds the limo door open for the McClane couple. They climb inside. “Merry Christmas,” says Argyle. On-camera, Thornburg asks his producer, “Did you get that?” Argyle closes the door and shakes his head. “If this is their idea of Christmas,” he says, “I’ve got to be there for New Years!” John and Holly face each other in the back of the limo.  They’re about to kiss. IN THIS MINUTE: Richard Thornburg: William Atherton Argyle: De’voreaux White John McClane: Bruce Willis Holly Gennaro McClane: Bonnie Bedelia Sgt. Al Powell: Reginald VelJohnson
Minute 120: Allez Vite
Minute 120: Allez Vite
THIS WEEK’S HOSTS: Neil Brown and George Hendricks of The Mogwai Minute Podcast McClane takes inventory of his ammunition.  “Hang on, baby! Hang on, Honey!” he whispers. He has two bullets left. “Oh God,” he says to himself.  John tries to think of what to do next, then notices rolls of packing tape on a nearby cart. He gets an idea. Meanwhile, Argyle quietly tails the ambulance driven by Theo. He sees it’s parked near the loading ramp, backing up to the doorway. Theo doesn’t notice the limo at first, then starts to open the door of the ambulance, only to close it suddenly in horror as he sees Argyle accelerating toward him. Argyle T-bones the ambulance, then gets out of the limo and punches Theo in the head. Theo is knocked out, his broken glasses landing on the floor of the ambulance. Argyle grins. Back on the 31st Floor, Hans shoves Kristoff. “Allez – – allez vite!” he orders. Kristoff runs up a ramp as Eddie and Hans gather the bearer bonds luggage. At the top of the ramp, Kristoff gets flattened by a punch from McClane, scattering a stack of bearer bonds across the floor. “Hans!” yells McClane.  John appears at the top of the ramp, his machine gun leveled at waist height. Gruber responds by pulling a gun out of his waistband and pointing it at Holly. IN THIS MINUTE: Bruce Willis as John McClane Dennis Hayden as Eddie Clarence Gilyard, Jr. as Theo Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane De’voreaux White as Argyle Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber Gerald Bonn as Kristoff
Minute 119: While the Building Falls Down Around Your Ears
Minute 119: While the Building Falls Down Around Your Ears
THIS WEEK’S HOSTS: Neil Brown and George Hendricks of The Mogwai Minute Podcast McClane yells in pain. The fire sprinklers turn on. The elevator door dings, then an explosion blows the doors off the elevator. “I hate – – this f—ing place!” shouts McClane, continuing to wade through the indoor pond with his pistol drawn. As he climbs the stairs to the 31st floor, the company Christmas tree falls over. In the parking garage, Argyle notices motion from the Pacific Courier box truck. Theo is standing next to two ramps that are sticking out of the back of the truck.  Theo climbs up the ramp and disappears inside the truck. Argyle leans forward. Theo drives an ambulance out of the back of the Pacific Courier truck. “The f— is going on?” says Argyle to himself. On the 31st Floor, McClane makes his way down a smoky corridor.  He hears his wife in the distance. “What are you going to do?” asks Holly, “Sit here while the building falls down around your ears?” Hans, in the distance, shouts orders in German. McClane pulls the clip out of his machine gun. He has one bullet left. “S—,” says McClane. Holly , in the vault room, pushes Eddie’s hand away from her. “All right!” she says. “Allez!” orders Hans, tossing another backpack at Eddie. IN THIS MINUTE: Bruce Willis as John McClane Dennis Hayden as Eddie Clarence Gilyard, Jr. as Theo Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane De’voreaux White as Argyle Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber
Minute 118: Gonna Need Some More FBI Guys
Minute 118: Gonna Need Some More FBI Guys
THIS WEEK’S HOSTS: Neil Brown and George Hendricks of The Mogwai Minute Podcast   The reel falls off the roof of the building. McClane. landing on a bamboo tantani, realizes he’s still tied to the falling fire hose reel. The tatani slides toward the gaping hole in the window as McClane struggles to free himself from the fire hose. Just as the tatani slides out the window, McClane manages to untie the hose. He exhales, surprised to still be alive. Explosions on the roof continue to rock the building. The hostages race down the stairwells. “Allez!” says Hans to Theo, tossing a bag full of bearer bonds to him. Holly raises her hand over her head to shield herself from the falling debris of the damaged building. On the 30th Floor, McClane wades through the smoked-filled indoor lagoon where the Christmas party was held. Flames light the outer walls of the office.  Another explosion knocks fixtures from the ceiling. Through a gout of flame above the roof, the FBI helicopter falls toward the plaza below.  The helicopter explodes in midair, blowing out the windows of the 30th Floor and knocking McClane prone in the pond. The indoor planters shatter and the indoor garden catches fire. At the LAPD command post, Dwayne Robinson and Al Powell watch the explosion of the helicopter. “Holy Christ,” says Robinson, “We’re gonna need some more FBI guys, I guess.” Al looks at him, shocked. Back on the 30th Floor, McClane moans in pain. IN THIS MINUTE: Bruce Willis as John McClane Dennis Hayden as Eddie Clarence Gilyard, Jr. as Theo Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane Reginald VelJohnson as Sgt. Al Powell Paul Gleason as Dwayne T. Robinson Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber
Minute 117: Blow the Roof
Minute 117: Blow the Roof
THIS WEEK’S HOSTS: Neil Brown and George Hendricks of The Mogwai Minute Podcast “Blow the roof,” says Hans. “But Karl’s up there!” says Eddie. “Blow the roof!” says Hans, grabbing the detonator. The helicopter continues to circle. McClane climbs onto the ledge of the building. “I promise — I will never even think of going into a tall building again!” He looks down at the circle of police cars, far below. “Oh God,” he says, “Please don’t let me die.” The FBI helicopter rises behind him. Hans presses the detonator buttons. Agent Big Johnson takes aim on McClane. McClane jumps off the ledge. The roof explodes behind him. A brilliant flash illuminates the west side of Los Angeles. A huge fireball rises into the sky.  The FBI agents in the helicopter are blinded by the fireball. Screaming, McClane falls down the side of the building, the fire hose unreeling above him.  As the hose reel empties, the fire blows the reel off its hinge, and it skitters across the floor of the roof.  The reel catches on the side of the ledge, and McClane slams into the side of the building. Explosions continue on the roof. McClane kicks the window with his bloody feet, but the window doesn’t break.  He pushes outward from the building aiming a pistol at the window and firing seven shots into it, breaking the window into pieces.  As he swings back, he falls through the broken window into the building. The reel falls off the roof of the building. IN THIS MINUTE: Bruce Willis as John McClane Dennis Hayden as Eddie Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber Robert Davi as Special Agent Johnson Grand L. Bush as Agent Johnson
Minute 116: Nail That Sucker
Minute 116: Nail That Sucker
THIS WEEK’S HOSTS: Neil Brown and George Hendricks of The Mogwai Minute Podcast     The pilot yaws left.  Below them they see a man shooting a machine gun, but don’t know it’s John McClane. “Nail that sucker!” yells Big Johnson. As McClane continues firing to scare the hostages back down the stairs, a stream of bullets rain down from the helicopter.  He’s chased off the landing pad, and falls next to a fence surrounding the HVAC equipment. “I’m on your side, you a–holes!” shouts McClane. “Aw s—,” says Big Johnson in the helicopter. “Swing around again. I’ll bag this little bastard!” The helicopter circles the building. Meanwhile, the hostages run down the stairway, under the body of Karl, suspended from a chain. On the roof, McClane opens a cabinet labeled, “CAUTION: FOR FIRE FIGHTING BY TRAINED PERSONNEL ONLY” and pulls out a reel of canvas fire hose. He rapidly unspools the hose as the helicopter circles overhead.  As he ties the end of the hose around his waist, McClane asks himself, “Oh John, what the f— are you doing? How the f— did you get into this s—?” On the 30th Floor, Eddie hears the hostages racing down the stairs. He doubles back to the vault. “There’s something wrong!” he yells at Hans. “They’re coming back down!” IN THIS MINUTE: Bruce Willis as John McClane Dennis Hayden as Eddie Alexander Godunov as Karl Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber Robert Davi as Special Agent Johnson Grand L. Bush as Agent Johnson
Minute 115: Where’s Holly?
Minute 115: Where’s Holly?
THIS WEEK’S HOSTS: Rob Lumley & Joe Duellman of The Tombstone Minute Podcast   The two helicopters continue down the Avenue of the Stars at very low altitude,  then ascend rapidly towards the heliport atop Nakatomi Tower. Uli finishes getting all the hostages up to the heliport, then hurries down the stairway. As he opens the door, McClane ventilates Uli with a half-dozen rounds from a machine gun.  John climbs over Uli’s body and runs up the stairs to the heliport. “Where’s Holly?” he shouts at the hostages. “Where’s Holly Gennaro? Holly Gennaro? Where’s Holly?”  The hostages are confused by his appearance and continue screaming. He finds Holly’s secretary, Ginny, and asks, “Where’s Holly? Where is she?” “They took her!” replies Ginny, in tears. “Where?” asks John. “The vault!” says Ginny. “Where is the vault?” asks John. “The thirtieth floor,” says Ginny, “On the stairs – they just took her!”  Suddenly one of the helicopters appears next to the roof level. “Get downstairs! All of you!” yells McClane. “The whole f—ing roof is wired to blow! Get down! Get down! Get the f— downstairs!” The hostages don’t respond quickly enough to his liking. McClane fires into the air, getting the attention of the hostages, who run for the stairway. “They made us, Bureau!” says the co-pilot of the lead helicopter. “You’ve got a terrorist shooting at the hostages.” “Yeah, I see him!” says Big Johnson. “Bank left!” The pilot yaws left.  Below them they see a man shooting a machine gun, but don’t know it’s John McClane. IN THIS MINUTE: Bruce Willis as John McClane Ken Leong as Uli Dustyn Taylor as Ginny   Robert Davi as Special Agent Johnson Grand L. Bush as Agent Johnson
Minute 114: Junior High
Minute 114: Junior High
THIS WEEK’S HOSTS: Rob Lumley & Joe Duellman of The Tombstone Minute Podcast   Hans just corrected Holly, saying he is an exceptional thief. “And since I’m moving up to kidnapping,” he continues, “you should be more polite!”  Holly doesn’t react. Meanwhile, Karl is kicking John McClane in the face, up the metal stairway.  Karl tries to karate chop John’s shoulder, but John blocks the chop and head-butts Karl. “You – mother!” yells John, putting Karl in a headlock and dragging him up the stairs. “I’m going to f—ing kill you, cook you,  and f—ing eat you!” McClane continues to slam Karl in the face with the base of his palm.  Karl grabs McClane by the head and tries to twist John’s head off.  John responds by grabbing a hanging chain and wrapping it around Karl’s neck. He shoves Karl off the stairway, and Karl is left swinging by the neck from the chain, many feet in the air. McClane picks up the pistol from the floor, and checks the clip. Then, he exits the stairwell, leaving Karl dangling. Back at the LAPD command center, Al and Robinson watch the helicopters flying overhead. “I don’t like this, Sarge,” says Dwayne. The two helicopters wheel 30 feet over the Avenue of the Stars, barely clearing the fountains.  Big Johnson lets out a war whoop. “Just like f—ing Saigon, eh Slick?” yells Big Johnson. “I was in junior high, dickhead,” replies Little Johnson. The two helicopters continue down the Avenue of the Stars at very low altitude. IN THIS MINUTE: Bruce Willis as John McClane Alexander Godunov as Karl Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane Paul Gleason as Dwayne T. Robinson Reginald VelJohnson as Sgt. Al Powell Robert Davi as Special Agent Johnson Grand L. Bush as Agent Johnson
Minute 112: I Can Live With That
Minute 112: I Can Live With That
THIS WEEK’S HOSTS: Rob Lumley & Joe Duellman of The Tombstone Minute Podcast McClane is knocked into a stack of loose pipes. He rolls off the pipes and gets the upper hand with Karl. McClane begins punching Karl in the back of the head. “You should have heard your brother squeal,” says John, “when I broke his f—ing neck!” Meanwhile, the two FBI military helicopters fly in low over Olympic Blvd.  Agents Johnson and Johnson are aboard one of the helicopters. “What do you figure, the breakage?” asks Little Johnson. “I figure we take out the terrorists,” says Big Johnson, putting on a baseball cap, swiveling it 180° on his head so the brim is reversed, and replacing his headset over the cap, “lose twenty to twenty-five percent of the hostages. Tops!” “I can live with that!” replies Little Johnson. He leans toward the pilot. “Get this thing on the deck!” orders Little Johnson. “They’re expecting transports, not gunships.”  The helicopters nose forward and skim over the streetlights of The Avenue of the Stars. Meanshile, Ulie is ordering the hostages up the stairs to the roof. “Move it!” he shouts. “Come on! Move it! Go! Move it! Go!” He chases them all the way up the stairs. In the safe room, Theo is stacking bearer bonds into backpacks.  Hans enters, holding Holly roughly by the arm. “Theo,” he says, “a little bonus for us!” Then, to Holly, he says, “Sit down.” She refuses. “Sit down!” he repeats, and pushes her to the floor. “Hey!” says Holly. “A policeman’s wife might come in handy,” says Hans. He picks up his walkie-talkie. IN THIS MINUTE: Bruce Willis as John McClane Alexander Godunov as Karl Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane Ken Leong as Uli Clarence Gilyard Jr. as Theo Robert Davi as Big Johnson Grand L. Bush as Little Johnson
Minute 111: How Nice to Make Your Acquaintance
Minute 111: How Nice to Make Your Acquaintance
THIS WEEK’S HOSTS: Rob Lumley & Joe Duellman of The Tombstone Minute Podcast Hans pauses, listening to the news program on the portable TV. He notices Holly’s stricken face. “They’re very important people,” says Thornburg to Lucy McClane, “so is there anything you’d like to say to them, if they’re watching?” “Come. Home.” says Lucy into the microphone. Holly has a look of horror on her face.  Hans notices the reaction, then quickly turns around to the family photos. He flips up the portrait of the McClanes, and spots John in the center of the picture. “Mrs. McClane,” says Hans,  reaching into his jacket for a pistol, “how nice to make your acquaintance.” Hans fires the pistol into the ceiling. The Nakatomi employees scream. He fires another shot in the air. “On your feet, everyone! To the roof!” shouts Hans. “Lock them up there, and come right back!” says Hans to Uli.  Holly tries to blend into the crowd but Hans grabs her by the arm and spins her around. Meanwhile, Karl continues beating on McClane. He kicks John to the floor.  John spots the pistol that’s just out of his reach.  Karl kicks him in the face, then kicks John twice again.  McClane is knocked into a stack of loose pipes. IN THIS MINUTE: Bruce Willis as John McClane Alexander Godunov as Karl Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane Ken Leong as Uli William Atherton as Richard Thornburg Taylor Fry as Lucy McClane Dennis Hayden as Eddie