Eve- One Hospital Birth with Epidural, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Newborn Seizures

Moony Birth Stories

08-11-2022 • 53 mins

I'm joined on this episode of Moony Birth Stories by Eve, from Saskatoon, SK.  She shares the pregnancy and birth story of her daughter Zahra.  Eve and her partner were pleasantly surprised to find out they were pregnant after four months of natural family planning and although Eve was happy to be pregnant, the pregnancy itself was challenging as she was extremely sick and struggled with nausea and vomiting.  In her third trimester, it was discovered that she was very anemic and needed an iron infusion.  Eve shares the details of her hospital birth with the support of an epidural for pain management.  She also talks about the scary experience of witnessing her newborn daughter have a seizure and the resulting diagnosis and treatment.