Kelsey from Hey Babe Nutrition- One Unmedicated Hospital Birth and One Planned Homebirth Turned Hospital Birth

Moony Birth Stories

01-07-2022 • 39 mins

Kelsey of Hey Babe Nutrition in Calgary, AB joins me on this episode to share two birth stories.  Kelsey and her husband unfortunately experienced a miscarriage the first time they conceived and about one year later, got pregnant with their daughter.  Kelsey struggled with nausea for the first half of the pregnancy but was excited about birth and took some empowering classes to prepare.  She also hired a birth doula to support her and her partner for labour.  At the end of pregnancy, more specifically on her due date, Kelsey's water broke but when nothing happened after that, they decided to induce the next evening.  Kelsey shares how the induction went for her and talks about some breastfeeding and anxiety issues she experienced postpartum.  Their second pregnancy was a pleasant surprise and went very smoothly.  This time, Kelsey planned for a homebirth with a midwife.  Things ended up needing to change at the end of pregnancy when she went overdue and their household contracted Covid.  Kelsey talks about the speedy birth that followed and what it was like not being able to have her husband physically present for the birth.