Rethinking Routine: How to Boost Your Dog’s Health

Easier Movement, Happier Dogs

03-09-2024 • 9 mins

In this episode of "Easier Movement, Happier Dogs," Mary Debono delves into the transformative impact of introducing novelty and variation into your dog's life. By gently shifting routines and creating new experiences, you can stimulate your dog's nervous system in positive ways that lead to improved physical health, reduced stress, and a more resilient, adaptable dog.

Mary explains how Debono Moves uses safe, non-threatening novelty to help dogs overcome both physical and behavioral challenges. This episode highlights the importance of gradual change, paying close attention to your dog's signals to ensure comfort and safety.

These concepts can benefit you too, helping you break free from your own habits and experience life with renewed vitality.

Through simple, everyday changes, you can create a more joyful, connected life with your dog, where both of you thrive. Whether it's varying the way you walk, interact, or even put on your shoes, these small shifts can have a profound impact.

Mary also shares insights from her book, "Grow Young with Your Dog," about how non-habitual actions can even alter your perception of time, making life feel richer and more vibrant.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Power of Novelty: Introducing safe, novel experiences into your dog's routine can stimulate their nervous system and improve both physical and behavioral health.
  2. Gradual Change: It's crucial to introduce changes slowly and pay attention to your dog's stress signals toensure a positive response.
  3. Mutual Benefits: The principles of novelty and variation apply to humans as well, helping you to become more adaptable, creative, and resilient.
  4. Time Perception: Engaging in non-habitual activities can slow down your perception of time, making life feel more full and vibrant.
  5. Practical Application: Start by varying small aspects of your routine with your dog, such as using your non-dominant hand or changing the order of daily tasks.


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All information is for general educational purposes ONLY and doesn't constitute medical or veterinary advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider if you or your dog are unwell or injured.