Who Is This Jesus? Today's world is filled with noise and anxiety. During this season of Lent, Jesus invites you to listen, pray, reflect, and simply Follow. Jesus did not invite people into a life of discipleship by saying, “come and lead with me.” Instead, he invited people to “follow him” and “learn from him.” Between now and Easter we are going to be talking about what it means to “follow” Jesus and what it looks like to trust God’s “leadership” as we live out our lives.
This Sunday is Palm Sunday. The celebration of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem as king. The Scripture passage is Matthew 21:1-11. Jesus rides into the city on the back of a donkey, as his followers wave palm branches and lay down a bed of cloaks. The whole city wants to know, “Who is this?”
We want to connect with you! Email Pastor Chad at chadf@ljpres.org to get plugged in or you can find our website at ljpres.org/connect. We hope to see lives transformed by a relationship with Jesus, and we strive to be a place where you experience and are able to express that transforming love of Christ.
It builds our faith to help give back a portion of what God has given us. If you would like to help further His work in La Jolla, San Diego and the world you can give online at LJPres.org/Donate or text 844-957-4017. La Jolla Pres holds a CCLI License to live stream and archive all musical material.