Episode 12 - Nocturnal Suspicions

Roll For Intent

08-11-2021 • 1 hr 26 mins

Roll For Intent

Episode 12 - Nocturnal Suspicions

Having dispatched the tiny construct in the lens workshop, the party returns to Tangletop with his prize. What secrets will he tell them?


This is a Pathfinder 2nd Edition actual play podcast focused on the Abomination Vaults adventure path, published by Paizo Inc.

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Roll For Intent uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. Roll For Intent is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo Products, visit paizo.com


Abomination Vaults : Ruins of Gauntlight - James Jacobs

Abomination Vaults : Hands of the Devil - Vanessa Hoskins

Abomination Vaults : Eyes of Empty Death - Stephen Radney-MacFarland

Troubles In Otari - Jason Keely, Lyz Lidell, Ron Lundeen

Abomination Vaults GMs Guide - Ron Lundeen


Copyright 2024 Roman Neville Productions

Mentioned in this episode:

Merry Christmas - And happy 2024!

Hey there podcast listeners - it's your GM trevor here. It's been a bit since I did one of these, but I figured with 2023 coming to a close, it was time. Whether you've been here since day one, you binged our whole collection in a week, or if this is the first time you've downloaded an episode - thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Now, it's been a long while since I've asked ya'll for anything - but it being Christmas and all, we do have one thing you could do for us that would mean the world. Take 2 minutes and jump into your podcast app of choice and leave us a review - stars are fine, words are amazing. That is the number one way for us to reach more people. If only 5 percent of you dropped a review on itunes, podchaser, spotify, or wherever, we would reach so many more people! If you haven't done so yet, drop on by the discord! Rollforintent.com/discord ! Now, let's get back to the show.


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